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List application storage consumption


iPF Noob
Is there a way to list all the applications on the ipad2 with associated storage numbers? Thanks in advance. You guys and gals are great!!!!!
Hi there!! Welcome!

Are you referring to knowing how much storage each app is using:


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skimonkey said:
Hi there!! Welcome!

Are you referring to knowing how much storage each app is using:


<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=9448"/>

Dahhhh.....don't I feel like an idiot. That's it. Thanks
No problem!! Its all a learning curve!! You are actually my first response using skitch for the thumbnail pic I attached!!

Glad to help you out!!
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You are welcome, though it is just as likely it was Gabriel. He uses it at least as often as I do.
Yes, you are right! My apologies, to not including Gabriel1!

Between gabriel1 and you, I have learned a lot about skitch and how to upload the pics to the forum! I still have a ways to go in learning it, but so far I think I am getting by!
It was definitely Twerppoet who pointed me in the direction of all that is Skitch goodness.......I now have to attend SUA (Skitch Users Anonymous) twice a week to try to deal with my addiction!

The Archangel

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