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Keynot remote control app & Bluetooth connect option


iPF Noob
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
East Bridgewater Massachusetts USA
I know that their is a problem with the Bluetooth connect function for the keynote remote control since the ios5 update. I have a new iPhone 4Steave comming Monday. I have a meeting on the 30th that I would love to use this divide along with my iPad. I am not sure if I will have wifi access where the meeting will be held. I am handing my iPhone 4 off to my personal assistant so this will be set up on a new device.

I have not seen any feedback on this problem in this forum at all so I thought I would start the thread. I will start to put the presentation together Tuesday this week coming and see what happens. All the feedback I have seen is from the reviews in the app store. I sure would love to hear what people have to say about this and what if any solutions they may have
I've got an iPad 2 and iPhone 4, both on iOS 5.01. I'd never used the remote before, but for the heck of it I downloaded it and gave it swing. There was no problem pairing it with Keynote, and it worked fine.

I already had bluetooth pairing set up between the two devices (for the hotspot), but the remote and Keynote had to do their own paring thing; so I'm guessing that pairing the devices directly is not needed.
That's good to hear & thank you again. I will download the app when I set up the new iphone. I was surprised that it had not been a topic here considering the reviews at the app store. It does seem that people that bother to post reviews om things do so when they are frustrated rather then when they are pleased with things. It would be nice to be able to manipulate a presentation remotely with my iPhone.
Good luck. Let us know if you do have any problems.

The app is pretty simple, and you have to open Keynote on the iPad, and open the presentation. After that it's all just going back and forth through the slides. Then again, it's only 99 cents.

And you are right. People are more likely to take the time to comment negatively than positively. It's just human nature to seldom go out of your way if you've got some fairly strong emotions, and it's easier to irritate people than please them.

You also have to watch out for reviews where people spend their time complaining about what an app doesn't do. Everyone has their own idea of what features an app should have, and when it's missing they seem to feel that the developer will jump to the whip crack of their one star review; even when the description never claimed it would do what they want.
Any suggestions on the best app to use when down loading power points? I have a MacBook pro and use keynotes without a problem, but the reviews for that app didn't sound good. Looking for a way I can type notes on the side as well?
Here are a couple of reviews of the more popular apps: Nothing is going to work quite as well as a full desktop app. I have no experience with anything but Keynote.

Compare iWorks, Office 2 HD, Documents to Go, QuickOffice by richsdams

Office Apps Comparison by RedCoil (details and examples, very long)

Keynote on the iPad does not let you view the notes next to the slides, but you can view them next to the thumbnails. The Remote app for the iPhone, the subject of the thread, will let you view both the slides and the notes for the slide as you move through them.
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I will be playing with this all day this Tuesday using the iPhone as the remote. I,ll take some screen shots on both ate iPad and iPhone. I'll see if I can get some video but glare seems to be a problem on almost all the video I have seen using iPads & iPhones. I do have an anti glare screen shield on the iPad, I'm not sure if they make one for the iPhone.
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