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Keyboard and mouse

Yeah, the iPad can use bluetooth keyboards, so can most (if not all?) other touch apple devices. Although you didn't actually ask this in the thread, only on the title, you can't use a mouse due to the fact that touch devices don't have a 'curser' of any sort. There are loads of Bluetooth keyboards on the market so you're bound to find one that meets your' needs.

Sent via iPF from my iPad.
Yes, you can. There are several BT keyboards available. I use the Apple product, which I would have no hesitation in recommending. Other members might be able to point you in the direction of others.
I'm typing this on my Kensington Keyfolio Pro 2 bluetooth keyboard (and case) as we speak. Awesome keyboard - between $60 and $90 on Amazon (price changes daily I swear).

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