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iPF Noob
Nov 25, 2011
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If I were to jailbreak my iPod and then it broke would I be able to send it to apple to get fixed would they know I jailbroke? If they wouldn't know ot was jailbroken how do I get it that way so I can send it back?
I read on another site, Apple are able to ascertain if you have jailbroken your device or not, they will simply return your device unrepaired/unrepairable. I understand that unless you can somehow do a Restore on it via iTunes in its defective state, they will not be able to determine the jailbreak. Jailbreaking is done at own risk.

Edit: Found this in a 3rd party website, their disclaimer: "We do not offer any Warranty, or do not take any responsibility for negative results after repair services, if the device has been jail-broken."
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