iPF Novice
I just checked my Data Usage in the ipad settings and it shows over 4 gigs of usage, I thought it would be more usage than that since the podcasts i watch and stream are huge.
I look in the settings to try and get usage stats from att in cellular data section but it doesnt show anything.
I then took the ipads phone number thats listed in my accunt under settings and tried registering on the att website to get account info. That didnt work either.
I call att on the phone and go to tech support. The have me verify the account and then I ask the guy how im supposed to look up data usage for my account.
He said that currently there is no possable way for me to look up that info if I have the unlimited prepaid data plan. He did however say that he could look up that info for me. He looked at my account usage and said that I have used a total of 16gigs worth of data on my iPad. Thats WAY more that the 4gigs my iPad was listing under usage.
Can I get some other users with 3G iPads and the Unlimited data plan check this out. Look at your iPads usage and then call ATT(1-800-331-0500) and ask what your usage is. Ask them why they dont allow you to see your accounts usage info on the iPads account summery page. Suggest that they put in a request to show this info to you without having to call them. Maybe if they get enough people asking they will fix it.
Then come back here and let us know. Was it just my iPad or did your data usage not match the iPads usage info as well?
I look in the settings to try and get usage stats from att in cellular data section but it doesnt show anything.
I then took the ipads phone number thats listed in my accunt under settings and tried registering on the att website to get account info. That didnt work either.
I call att on the phone and go to tech support. The have me verify the account and then I ask the guy how im supposed to look up data usage for my account.
He said that currently there is no possable way for me to look up that info if I have the unlimited prepaid data plan. He did however say that he could look up that info for me. He looked at my account usage and said that I have used a total of 16gigs worth of data on my iPad. Thats WAY more that the 4gigs my iPad was listing under usage.
Can I get some other users with 3G iPads and the Unlimited data plan check this out. Look at your iPads usage and then call ATT(1-800-331-0500) and ask what your usage is. Ask them why they dont allow you to see your accounts usage info on the iPads account summery page. Suggest that they put in a request to show this info to you without having to call them. Maybe if they get enough people asking they will fix it.
Then come back here and let us know. Was it just my iPad or did your data usage not match the iPads usage info as well?