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iOS 4.1 in beta

iOS 4.1 in beta but still no iPad version. :(

Most likely becasue the iPhone 4 and it's numerous complaints. Also in my opinion the iPhone is now Apple flagship product (selling over 3million units). I have a feeling we won't be seeing ios4 until the end of the fall
I really don't want ios 4. I mean you can do everything it can by jail breaking and downloading a few apps. I'm not looking forward to it.
I really don't want ios 4. I mean you can do everything it can by jail breaking and downloading a few apps. I'm not looking forward to it.

For those that do not want to jailbreak (including me at the moment) ios4 is a very good update (for me app switching).

Not that jailbreaking is bad (as I hack most of my electronics including xboxes, wii's, and my g1 phone).
I really don't want ios 4. I mean you can do everything it can by jail breaking and downloading a few apps. I'm not looking forward to it.

For those that do not want to jailbreak (including me at the moment) ios4 is a very good update (for me app switching).

Not that jailbreaking is bad (as I hack most of my electronics including xboxes, wii's, and my g1 phone).

But the app switching in iOS4 is crap compared to backgrounder. I am worried about it interfering with the much better jailbreak implementations.
But the app switching in iOS4 is crap compared to backgrounder. I am worried about it interfering with the much better jailbreak implementations.
I like how the multitasking/app switching works on my iPhone. Since I haven't jailbroken my iPhone or iPad, I am unfamiliar with backgrounder. How is it better than Apple's implementation?
I really don't want ios 4. I mean you can do everything it can by jail breaking and downloading a few apps. I'm not looking forward to it.

For those that do not want to jailbreak (including me at the moment) ios4 is a very good update (for me app switching).

Not that jailbreaking is bad (as I hack most of my electronics including xboxes, wii's, and my g1 phone).

You gotta try backgrounder. I love it, and it works with almost all the apps ever.
But the app switching in iOS4 is crap compared to backgrounder. I am worried about it interfering with the much better jailbreak implementations.
I like how the multitasking/app switching works on my iPhone. Since I haven't jailbroken my iPhone or iPad, I am unfamiliar with backgrounder. How is it better than Apple's implementation?

Backgrounder places a fully running application in the background. Apple's implementation means that the developers of each individual app have to program in the ability to multitask, so some will, some wont. Also, Apple allows certain things to run fully in the background such as music, but most applications will NOT run in the background and will actually just be paused. So if you are loading up a youtube video, you have to sit there and watch it buffer instead of backgrounding it and doing something else. That is a garbage way of doing multitasking.
With stuff running in the background and multitasking wont that suck up most of what little memory the iPad has.

I think Apple will announce the release of iOS4.1 for iPad during their Sept. 7th iPod press conference. No sources, just my opinion.
I.Q. Decline

I just lost some points reading this thread.

Who in there right mind is not looking forward to an OS update?

Jailbreaking is all fun and games, but, the device should should work at it's best after the Apple guys fix the bugs and put out an update.

The point it to make the IPad better without sacrifice of battery drain or crappy wifi.

Hopefully Apple with go the open-source route.
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Who in there right mind is not looking forward to an OS update?

I'm in the same right mind I've been in for 50 yrs and I'm not looking forward to the update. Just because you are doesn't mean the rest of the world is wrong or crazy if they're not. (Not being JB'n) I can listen to my streaming radio in the background of anything I do, I can write 1/2 an email and close it up and open it later and it's exactly like I left it, YouTube videos load in the background tabs with Atomic or iCab while I'm off in other tabs doing other stuff. Why do I need the update? I don't need it and I don't want it.
Oh, and I'm sane most days.

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