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I didn't pre-order an iPad, how early should I wait in line?


iPF Noob
Mar 27, 2010
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Hey guys, first post woohoo! I've been planning on buying an iPad since the day it was announced, but I didn't see the point in reserving one. Now that the pre-order are over and sold out I'm getting a little worried. Should I be? Do you think they will actually sell out of these things? It's not going to be like trying to find a Wii all over agin is it? So what time do you think I should start waiting in line to guarantee that I get one?
You can still preorder, it just shows a shipping date of April 12th.

You couldn't pay me to stand in line.
Yea doesn't really make any sense to stand in line with free shipping. As far as getting one without a reservation? I think the chances are real slim with this launch.
yeah since the first round is already sold out I don't think there will be any walk in devices available.
I think you have a good chance of getting one if you get to an Apple store early on launch day. I doubt they would be sending any to BestBuy stores if the stand alone Apple Stores were going to get shorted.

You may want to give your local stores a call and see if you can still reserve one. I think Apple officially stopped taking reservations, but maybe your local store can still help you out.

This is just my best guess of course. Nobody knows how many iPads they have sold already or how many have been made. Good luck.
I'm guessing we'll find that the stores won't sell any before 3:00PM that were not reserved in advance. Or if they have any at all to sell before then, there will be very few.

I'd guess your best chance is get there before they open and ask as soon as the doors are unlocked. Maybe they'll start a standby list for any reservations not claimed by 3:00 PM.
I would think that Apple would give priority to the Apple Stores over the Best Buy stores with Apple displays. In my area, Best Buy has always been the 'overflow' for the Apple Store...

That said, I have two of those bad boys on order with a delivery date of 4/3... I may be willing to part with one (if you twist my arm) for a grand or so? ;)
I would think they only have day 1 spares for those folks not on the list but who can prove that they pre-ordered one through some type of documentation.

I wouldn't show up on day 1 - it would probably be a complete waste of time.

Best Buy might be a better shot - but you would need to get there early.
Maybe they'll start a standby list for any reservations not claimed by 3:00 PM.

I'd be ticked if I preordered one and I wasn't able to go pick it up 'till Sunday and they gave it away. Do preorders HAVE TO be picked up on launch day or do they at least give you something like 48 hours or something?
Pre-orders are shipped to your home. Those people that reserved one at their local Apple store have until 3pm launch day to pick it up.
Maybe they'll start a standby list for any reservations not claimed by 3:00 PM.

I'd be ticked if I preordered one and I wasn't able to go pick it up 'till Sunday and they gave it away. Do preorders HAVE TO be picked up on launch day or do they at least give you something like 48 hours or something?

I had read reserves had to be claimed by 3pm or they were sold.
It depends on the store and how many copies each store gets. I would not want to wait until the last minute to get there. Someone who waited too long for a pre-order could find it hard to get to the line they need by 3:00 and lose out. Can you imagine trying to get to the reserve line in time and finding a crowd that would stop you for chance at your unit? Nothing criminal, just not letting anyone cross through where they are at. Knowing if they run out of in-stock units, Apple will take reservations for the few unclaimed units. Some stores may have very little store traffic, but others may be impossible to navigate.
best buy

at the best buy store in ft lauderdale tonight (apple section), they advised they would have units for sale on saturday, april 3rd

ft lauderdale
As early as possible, apple is a huge company and a new product will get sold out very fast in stores.

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