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Official iPad Pre-order List


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
I'm starting a thread for those of us who have pre-ordered the iPad.

Please do not post in here until you actually PRE-ORDER the iPad. For now, no one should be posting in here but I'm getting it up ahead of time in anticipation.

I will also follow up this thread with an Official iPad Owner thread for those of us who will have them in hand once they arrive as well.
JohnnyApple: W68718590
wot_fan: W68719055
Superbike81: W68719505
rag1247: W68724677
rag1248: W68734514
largefarva: W68732370
iDan: W68747761
isimpson: W68745828
Finnedog: W68768122
gpaisnd: W68726513
epoche: W68723052
skrat982: W68739160
lboehme: W68762486
AbblePC: W68743927
Eeyore: W68728216
Ellie: W68724510
Laren: W86733346
pilot: W68718441
living2345: W68825109
goosetowner: W68717687
gregg37: W68848485
2 Ipad Wifi 32 G be order today for me :)


and this is my 3G

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Post in here with your order # and I'll update the 2nd post...

Order Number: W68718590
Post up your order # and I'll get ya added to the list in post #2
preordered 64 gb wifi W68724677

also preordered 64 gb + 3g W68734514

didn't see any option for pickup at store?????
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Interesting... we might be able to track the actual number of sales based off the order # :)
Order number: W68732370

32 GB wifi only with no accessories for now.

Ordered it for my wife...hopefully she won't kill me for spending this much money without talking to her about it first. lol

Oh yeah...has anyone received an email of their order confirmation yet? I want to surprise her by forwarding the email to her. :)
Order number: W68732370

32 GB wifi only with no accessories for now.

Ordered it for my wife...hopefully she won't kill me for spending this much money without talking to her about it first. lol

Ahah I love the name. Just order a large farva, I don't want a largefarva, I want a GD liter of cola!
I preordered at 8:30 Am no delays. Beautiful. I was planning on ordering connection for photos but it was not on accessory list ? Did i miss it?
And Done!

Just Pre-ordered my 32GB WiFi iPad. 23 days and counting.


I'm starting a thread for those of us who have pre-ordered the iPad.

Please do not post in here until you actually PRE-ORDER the iPad. For now, no one should be posting in here but I'm getting it up ahead of time in anticipation.

I will also follow up this thread with an Official iPad Owner thread for those of us who will have them in hand once they arrive as well.

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