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iPF Noob
May 9, 2010
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Tucson, Arizona, USA
Hey folks. My 3g wi-fi will arrive tomorrow, finally, so I thought I'd join and learn some things about it. I'm an Apple user since the IIc, Mac Plus, etc. I have a 27inch 3.06 iMac now. My initial things to do are to find a good intuitive, IM client that's compatible with AIM and Yahoo, and a simple text messaging client for talking to friends/family that do that on their iphones as well as other types of phones.

Thanks very much.

Welcome to the site, hope to see you around!:)
I use IM+ for messaging. It can integrate all your IM accounts into one. Kind of pricey though at $9.99. As for texting to phones, have only tried one, Text+, trial version, and it worked, but my kids, who were on the receiving end of the messages, say it's a pain to answer :)

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