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Hiding Photo Albums ?


iPF Noob
Jun 12, 2010
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Hi Guys

As I'm sure many of you are doing as well, im using my Ipad both for work and private purposes and therefore I was wondering if it is possible to hide or restrict access to photo albums on the Ipad ? I know there are programs like "filevault" or "folders" that allow you to create separate folders and then import files. but im looking for something that restricts access to albums directly in the photo application or hides albums altogether. is there a way to achieve this ?
thanks for any help
Have a look at the Stash Pro app.

I use it for my private stuff as my pad gets handed around a lot.
Have a look at the Stash Pro app.

I use it for my private stuff as my pad gets handed around a lot.

how well does it work ..there are some photos i have i have taken off my ipad for it more of personal and private nature .

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