iPF Noob
Welcome to the Hacking Section!
Jailbreaking per-se isn't illegal, as long as all modification is to your own property.
BUT, trying to promote, sell, or share jailbroken firmware or hacked software however is, as its under Apples copyright and patent.
Discussion of pirated or cracked applications and any methods associated with enabling their use, such as posting app or repository names, is forbidden on this forum. This also includes discussion of illegally obtaining media such as music, movies, games, or other copyrighted content.
Piracy is illegal and the staff of neither condone nor support it in any way. Jailbreaking and hacking IS NOT a licence to steal or pirate software or media.
ROMS for nintendo, playstation and all other emulators are at best a grey area and therefore fall under the same category as piracy on these forums. No discussion on sourcing ROMS for emulators will be tolerated, although discussions about the emulators themselves is acceptable.
Links to upgrades for BETA software, including beta copies of IOS, are also forbidden as is the discussion of obtaining device activation slots on other members Apple Developer accounts.
Discussions, links, and sharing of any of these on the forum will be deleted and the member will receive a warning.
A second warning may lead to an immediate ban.
Happy hacking folks!
Standard Forum Rules Apply: All of the standard forum rules apply in the Hacking Section. Please ensure you are familiar with them before continuing.
Jailbreaking per-se isn't illegal, as long as all modification is to your own property.
BUT, trying to promote, sell, or share jailbroken firmware or hacked software however is, as its under Apples copyright and patent.
Discussion of pirated or cracked applications and any methods associated with enabling their use, such as posting app or repository names, is forbidden on this forum. This also includes discussion of illegally obtaining media such as music, movies, games, or other copyrighted content.
Piracy is illegal and the staff of neither condone nor support it in any way. Jailbreaking and hacking IS NOT a licence to steal or pirate software or media.
ROMS for nintendo, playstation and all other emulators are at best a grey area and therefore fall under the same category as piracy on these forums. No discussion on sourcing ROMS for emulators will be tolerated, although discussions about the emulators themselves is acceptable.
Links to upgrades for BETA software, including beta copies of IOS, are also forbidden as is the discussion of obtaining device activation slots on other members Apple Developer accounts.
Discussions, links, and sharing of any of these on the forum will be deleted and the member will receive a warning.
A second warning may lead to an immediate ban.
Happy hacking folks!

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