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Exciting SHSH Blobs news for iPad2 and iPad3 owners


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2010
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Troon, Scotland
***** UPDATE - The latest version of redsn0w now supports A5 device downgrading! See our tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...our-ipad2-ipad3-using-shsh-blobs-redsn0w.html


Prolific SHSH Blob master ih8sn0w has made some very encouraging tweets this morning, indicating that he has found a flaw in the IOS5 APTicket protection which apparently allows previous versions of IOS 5 firmware to be installed on not only the iPad1, but also the iPad2, and potentially, the iPad3 (depending on the next release of IOS 5.x).

@ih8sn0w's tweets were as follows:

Found a loophole in Apple's apticket system. Restored my iPad 2 to 5.0.1 from 5.1. Works on all A5 devices. :)

A5X devices will work too once Apple pushes a new firmware for it.

BTW, This cannot be applied to basebands. Only iOS itself.

As ever in the jailbreaking scene, there is no ETA or other release information, so we will just need to be patient and wait for the loophole to be coded into iFaith, Tiny Umbrella, or whatever other release mechanism ih8sn0w decides upon :)

I will update the main FAQ and other posts as soon as there is a release. Until then, the facts remain that you cannot restore 5.0.1 to iPad2 at the moment.

See the FAQ here - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq-new-improved-2012-a.html

Reading between the lines it would appear you will need your Blobs for the previous version of IOS together with current blobs to make use of the loophole, so if you have been ignoring our advice up until now, START SAVING YOUR SHSH BLOBS TODAY! :D
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I had earlier used TU to save the 501 blobs (ipad2), but have never saved apticket. So does it mean without apticket i cant downgrade from 510 to 501?

Is apticket like shsh blobs which can be saved only when apple is signing it?
I had earlier used TU to save the 501 blobs (ipad2), but have never saved apticket. So does it mean without apticket i cant downgrade from 510 to 501?

Is apticket like shsh blobs which can be saved only when apple is signing it?

The APTicket is a component of the 5.x SHSH Blob. Therefore, if you have saved your blobs using Tiny Umbrella or Cydia then your APTicket should also be saved.
Hope that clarifies :)
Thanks.. f4780y , just some doubts -

I just checked , i saved my 5.0.1 blobs (ipad2) (TU version 5.10.03) on on January 3rd , although there is only one file with .shsh extention . Is apticket a separate file ? or its part of the same file ?
Cydia also has my blobs for 5.0.1 saved , does it mean it has my APTicket saved as well ?
Thanks.. f4780y , just some doubts -

I just checked , i saved my 5.0.1 blobs (ipad2) (TU version 5.10.03) on on January 3rd , although there is only one file with .shsh extention . Is apticket a separate file ? or its part of the same file ?
Cydia also has my blobs for 5.0.1 saved , does it mean it has my APTicket saved as well ?

As I said, it's a component of the SHSH Blob, so it is NOT separate. And both TU and Cydia will save it. You should be fine.
f4780y said:
Prolific SHSH Blob master ih8sn0w has made some very encouraging tweets this morning, indicating that he has found a flaw in the IOS5 APTicket protection which apparently allows previous versions of IOS 5 firmware to be installed on not only the iPad1, but also the iPad2, and potentially, the iPad3 (depending on the next release of IOS 5.x).

@ih8sn0w's tweets were as follows:

As ever in the jailbreaking scene, there is no ETA or other release information, so we will just need to be patient and wait for the loophole to be coded into Tiny Umbrella, or whatever other release mechanism ih8sn0w decides upon :)

I will update the main FAQ and other posts as soon as there is a release. Until then, the facts remain that you cannot restore 5.0.1 to iPad2 at the moment.

See the FAQ here - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/59291-shsh-blobs-faq-new-improved-2012-a.html

Reading between the lines it would appear you will need your Blobs for the previous version of IOS together with current blobs to make use of the loophole, so if you have been ignoring our advice up until now, START SAVING YOUR SHSH BLOBS TODAY! :D

I updated as per above. I am still on 5.01 but note that Cydia shows that I now also have 5.1 saved. I assume I ignore it?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I updated as per above. I am still on 5.01 but note that Cydia shows that I now also have 5.1 saved. I assume I ignore it?

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Yes, ignore it for now. Tiny Umbrella and/or Cydia will save blobs for any iOS that is actively being signed by Apple - you do not have to be on that iOS. So, once you've saved them, you are good to go and yes, you now can ignore them.

Just asking? Can i downgrade My a5 device even i dont have shsh blob 5.0.1 in Tu?i only have save my 4.3.3,4.3.5 and 5.1 in TU.
smokey79 said:
Just asking? Can i downgrade My a5 device even i dont have shsh blob 5.0.1 in Tu?i only have save my 4.3.3,4.3.5 and 5.1 in TU.
If you've got your blobs for 4.3.3 then you can downgrade using tiny CFW
Theres a tutorial on here of how to do it

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