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"Enter Passcode/ Wrong Passcode" Is Preventing Me From Using My iPad3


iPF Noob
Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
Bend, Oregon
When I start my new iPad 3 by pressing the button at the bottom I get a screen that asks me to enter my passcode. When I enter my passcode it says I've entered the wrong passcode. So I can't do anything with the iPad because I can't get past this opening screen. Before this problem occurred I used to be able to turn the iPad on and I'd get the normal screen with the various icons. Back then I set and reset at least four different passwords (which I guess is the same thing as a passcode?). The passcode/password would work the first time after I reset it, then when I tried to use it again for something I'd get the same message. Then I started getting this even worse problem, under which I can't do anything with the iPad because I can't get past this opening "wrong passcode" screen. Anyone have any suggestions for how I can get past this "wrong passcode" problem and actually use my iPad?

Update: After my five minute delay caused by all my "wrong" passwords, I tried again, this time not using the most recent password I created and instead using the one before it. That one seems to work, or at least it gets me into the normal opening screen. But clearly there's some kind of password problem with this machine since if anything works it should be the last password I created (which did work once and then not again) and not the one created before that.

Sorry for the long and I'm sure somewhat confusing question. I'm just kind of at the end of my rope with these endless password problems.
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I would say you probably have to take it to an Apple Store. Make sure to take a receipt to prove that you actually own it.
If this is a genuine password issue also may be best to remove password for now until you can get to the Apple store. As long as you have 'physical' custody of your iPad at all times it should not be a massive issue you cannot password protect it. But as TH advises best to get this checked out sommer rather than later.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take it to an Apple store. In the meantime I'd like to just remove the password for now as SquiderDragon suggested. I'll try to figure out how to do that by searching on line but if someone could tell me how to do it I'd appreciate it. Thanks again for your help.
campythree said:
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take it to an Apple store. In the meantime I'd like to just remove the password for now as SquiderDragon suggested. I'll try to figure out how to do that by searching on line but if someone could tell me how to do it I'd appreciate it. Thanks again for your help.

You can switch it on an off in settings, check out this image

The Archangel


  • image-1508193936.jpg
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Could it be that you are entering the wrong password because you have not understood the function of the capital letter key? After pressing that key and getting a capital it reverts to small letters. Check each letter visually after entering it.
In addition the to suggestions mentioned, I would also be inclined to give it a full Reboot, which is none destructive so you wont lose anything, but it does ocassionally fix the odd weird behavour issue.

If your've not done it.. Hold down the on/off button while pressing the Home button at the same time, keep them held down until the Apple logo re-appears. You will notice it takes a little longer to bootup.

If using a password I would be inclined to use something simple, until the issue is cleared, something like 0000 well you get the jest, IOW something thats likely not going to get confused..lol or as suggested leave it off altogether until a Apple store can check it out. I dont password mine, but then again I don't keep anything personal/confidential on it, so I've never used the password lock. ;-)
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