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Dropped iPad 2


iPF Noob
Feb 19, 2012
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So I had my iPad2 on my desk stood up with the smart cover, I went to press on the screen while browsing the net on it and the magnetic strip on the smart cover came away from the iPad, resulting in one of those 'nooooooo' slow mo moments as your iPad plummets to the ground. The side of my iPad hit against the metal bottom my my chair, resulting in a fairly hefty dent in the aluminium in the top, near the camera.

Now it's not enough damage to have stopped the iPad breaking but really, it was the smart covers fault - not mine.

I just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience and whether apple would repair such a dent, or am I going to have to live with a dent in my month old iPad forever? :(
So I had my iPad2 on my desk stood up with the smart cover, I went to press on the screen while browsing the net on it and the magnetic strip on the smart cover came away from the iPad, resulting in one of those 'nooooooo' slow mo moments as your iPad plummets to the ground. The side of my iPad hit against the metal bottom my my chair, resulting in a fairly hefty dent in the aluminium in the top, near the camera.

Now it's not enough damage to have stopped the iPad breaking but really, it was the smart covers fault - not mine.

I just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience and whether apple would repair such a dent, or am I going to have to live with a dent in my month old iPad forever? :(

Hi Nirkle, so sorry to hear about your iPad. It really is hard to say what Apple will do until you make an appointment with a genius. From there they can tell you your options and/or give you an estimate for the repair. I wish you luck. There are several threads regarding cracked screens to give you an idea what others have done and experienced.

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