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Compass Easel?

Those are cool. Would make a good eisle to set your iPad up to display a photo show or movie.
Seems kinda pricey at $40 when you can get something like this Aluminium Folding Easel for $17...


No offense but that easel really looks cheap. I was thinking of ordering the twelve south one, but states shipping delays so might hold off a bit.

You just bought a 530$ minimum price device.....what is an extra 20$ at this point? LOL

I ordered the Compass last week and received it yesterday. It took a couple days to get the shipping notification and a couple more for it to arrive via FedEx.

I have to say I am loving this stand so far. I was looking for something portable/small since I travel and as soon as I saw it online I had to have it. I have to say it is very well built from what I can see from my day or so of use. I guess I will see how it holds up over time. It is quite heavy which was surprising, but obviously a lot of thought was put into the design.

Compass Stand

Has anyone experienced problems with TSA security over this stand? I've not traveled with it yet, but have liked using it very much.
I took delivery of the Compass Easel a couple of weeks ago and have passed through UK/European security checks (flights & Eurostar) without any issues at all.

It is heavier than I was expecting but that gives great peace of mind that the iPad is sitting on something that won't give out under the weight!

Travel With the Compass Easel

I travel weekly and I have to say that since I started traveling with the Easel (about 16 flights) I have had every single security checkpoint take interest in the stand. After the 2nd trip, I started pulling it out of my bag and laying it in the tray separately. This still caused some scrutiny as it was still in the provided sleeve. I now pull it completely out of my bag and the sleeve and put it in the tray. I still see the x-ray agent stop the tray at literally every checkpoint to look at the stand. Some pick it up and open it a bit, and I've had a few ask me what it is. It has never caused a problem, but it definitely draws some attention.

There seems to be loads of knockoff ones on the internet and Amazon for super cheap prices. Like most accessories I bet they are really rubbish quality. I would go for the Twelve South one as there products are usually top dollar. Getting sick of buying accessories online and them turning out to be flimsy chinese junk. If I have spend £520 on an iPad I want something decent.
Compass and TSA

Keeder was 100% correct. San Diego TSA were very interested yesterday, and required inspection out of carrying sleeve, but then were fine with it. Recommended I always take it out for visual inspection in the future.
Metal, heavy. Well built...but, it is a flawed design. It is portable, and looks pretty good, but for typing it is not very good as the stand tips over. The legs do not open far enough apart, and the two supports that hold the iPad, while they are covered in rubber, the iPad still slips. A little more stable then the white apple dock.
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The Compass has a "fourth leg" for use in typing mode --
The Compass has a "fourth leg" for use in typing mode --

It looks to me like the posts might interfere with typing. I'll find out next week, I guess - I've got one on order as well. I might offset the cost by selling my Apple case, which I never use, if the Compass works out.

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