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Can't download adobe flash player to ipad

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Hey iVan, thanks for the info. No hard feelings. I just though this tech chat forum should focus on solving ipad issues. Maybe i need to dig out my sense of humor sometimes :)
As a pc user for 20 years, I am very impress by how apple has evolved over the past 15 years. This iPad just totally mesmerizes me. I hope apple will take this flash player thing seriously because without it we are missing a lot on the www.
We are millions to agree with you but Apple wants things done its way and wants Adobe out of it. Apple has always taken pride in the fact that the OS' they make are security tight. So when they saw that Flash leaves users open they went all out to protect systems. But that's the official version. I'm not techy enough to know better...

Flash on iPad won't happen. Just try to deal with that and tell the site owners who'll listen to you to change their sites. :shrug:

Actually apple wants things to be standard. Flash is a proprietary API, and the more of those you throw in the more unstable things become. Notice how everyone now makes browsers that run plugins separately so if they crash you don't lose the browser? That's really for flash, they're just being polite.
Some video sites such as hulu.com require flash player but I tried many times it came back as " download failure, safari unable to download flash player"
It was from adobe official site. Has someone encountered similar issue like this?

Return the iPad and get Google Android. I can tell from your query that is the 'tech' for you.

The iPad is for the rest of us who do not need or desire Flash as Flash is obsolete Web technology.

Flash is also a common security risk for those who have access to the world wide web.
Most knowledgeable people block Flash in their PC browsers.
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I think it will probably go Apple's way, Adobe's core product is not flash, but downloadable media is a massive part of apple's global domination strategy.

It's hard to discount passion, and Mssr. Jobs has tons of it.

Bye bye flash, H5 is here.
iMobilecinema when made iPad ready will help out a little. I had it for my Touch and it worked for some flash based stuff. Gotta jailbreak and wait for the iPad release...whenever that'll be
I cant believe people are unaware about the iPad and flash. Im pretty sure its been mentioned in all the reviews of the iPad Ive read. And its usually one of the first negatives naysayers rant on about.
I have not come across one website that I frequent that I cant use on my iPad due to flash.

When are people finally going to dump flash already. It causes more problems than it is worth.
I have not come across one website that I frequent that I cant use on my iPad due to flash.

When are people finally going to dump flash already. It causes more problems than it is worth.

There is only one website I frequently visit which uses it, and thats i-am-bored, so Im not missing out on much, although I can see it would be a pain for others.
It is not going to happen period

Hey iVan, thanks for the info. No hard feelings. I just though this tech chat forum should focus on solving ipad issues. Maybe i need to dig out my sense of humor sometimes :)
As a pc user for 20 years, I am very impress by how apple has evolved over the past 15 years. This iPad just totally mesmerizes me. I hope apple will take this flash player thing seriously because without it we are missing a lot on the www.

The bottom is flash will not come to the iPad/ iPhone/ iPod touch os Apple is not missing any thing they think ahead not behind.
Millions of iPhone / iPad etc users understand that no one is missing a lot we just don't need it if you need flash use your pc or Mac to access those sites it's that simple. I personally have a program that blocks flash on my Mac as it runs faster when browsing but in saying that I have not used my Macbook for more than a month as I have had no need to use it other than syncing or back up now that I have an iPad.

Enjoy the future and the iPad.

Cheers Colin, down under Australia

Live outside the BOX then you will understand
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Jobbsucks.Cant design a product that doesnt crash when running flash or multitasking. I can have 10 apps open in webos w/o a single crash.

remember when cut/paste was heralded in as "groundbreaking" by the fanboys.this after being around for 15 years in MS products?
The only thing I get from flash is ads..... Because of the positive experience I had browsing on the iPad, I uninstalled Flash on my netbook.... Runs faster, and I don't have to look at all the goofy animated ads! I know some like the Flash games and such, but for me it was just a worthless resource hog......

My wife has a Pre with WebOS.... lol ... let's just say she can't wait for the contract to run out so she can get an iPhone....
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