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Can't download adobe flash player to ipad

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The only thing I get from flash is ads..... Because of the positive experience I had browsing on the iPad, I uninstalled Flash on my netbook.... Runs faster, and I don't have to look at all the goofy animated ads! I know some like the Flash games and such, but for me it was just a worthless resource hog......

My wife has a Pre with WebOS.... lol ... let's just say she can't wait for the contract to run out so she can get an iPhone....

You didnt just increase the performance of your netbook, you made it much more secure.

Also while adobe is some what slow to patch flash player they are way slower updating flash player in adobe acrobat reader. Really, who uses flash and file execution in a PDF other than people trying to attack your computer.

Remove acrobat reader and replace it with FoxIt reader.
The only thing I get from flash is ads..... Because of the positive experience I had browsing on the iPad, I uninstalled Flash on my netbook.... Runs faster,

I was under the impression that the "runs faster" was the real reason they left off the flash on the ipad. i think the battery life would shorten very rapidly if they had flash on.
Thanks for the input, just wondering on adobe flash downloads there was an option for Mac/safari, so "Mac and flash don't mix" ? New to apple here, how did you guys surf without flash? Tons of websites run videos with flash, ways to get around this?

If you ever find FLASH (Java and ADOBE) I sure would like to have it too. :confused:
ITT: A bunch of people who have no idea what they are talking about.

Flash on the iPad does not drain the battery. Flash on the iPad does not fill your browsing experience with ads. Flash on the iPad does not make the iPad insecure.

Its on demand. You tap the content you want to load. No ads load unless you tell them to load. Flash does not affect performance because no flash is being rendered unless you tell it to. Flash does not make your iPad insecure because it only loads the content YOU tell it to load, so its YOU who would be making you iPad insecure.
Just went to Rosetta Stone..... hum Flash 10m or higher to bad I have a $800 device I can not use. The when to Toastmasters hum.... can not watch any videos. Not nice. I wish I could run flash
I read all the press, Apple said Flash is bad.... all the fanboys agreed no questions asked. Any web site or technical blog that did not worship Steve Jobs said crazy stuff like it works on everybody elses platform, phone etc..... funny how you said it will not work on yours, what about giving people the right to chose, yes Apple with 1000s of free Flash games on the Internet not giving Apple a dime and cutting into Apple App sales we see a problem. I am not saying I did not know Apple has this war against Adobe, just saying Adobe Flash would be nice.
I'm not saying flash is bad. I'm not saying it was a great idea omitting it.

I'm saying it's stupid to spend so much on a product without knowing what it can and can't do.

And if you knew it couldn't do flash, then why whine about it?
Kero is right why buy a product when you know that some feature you really want is not included or a program will not run. It has been known since the release of the iPad that flash is not supported
The bottom line is millions don't need it and funny enough they are as you put it not all "fan boys" a huge percentage of iphone and ipad users are PC users.

For the record i have been an Apple specialist reseller since 1988 I also do cross platform support for corporate and small business sites not to mention integration of mobile technology for business users. A major part of my work is finding the right solutions for my clients. In your case you have the wrong solution The iPad is not what you need unless you accept what it won't do. I can also assure you when the rest of the world finally provides an alternative device similar to the iPad that their will be something that you will not like in that product.

The other factor which is amazing how many of the thousands of flash games do you really want to play. Last count Itunes has I believe 20000 free games available sure many are for iPhone / iPod touches but if one can't find sufficient enjoyment from the huge inventory of apps available it amazes me. If you need them use the PC you own for the flash games.

I surf the web daily I frankly have had no issues at all on sites i have visited. I also have flash turned off on my Macbook as I don't need it. The other factor that I have found that many sites now cater for both "computers ie windows and Macs" that support flash and iPhone iPod touch and ipads some in fact state this site has been updated to support ipads and iPhones.
If you want flash buy a net book or wait until some time next year when microsoft or some one provides a tablet that uses flash
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I was not nice I would likely say something that would get me banned. Just let me say WHAT GIVES YOU AND STEVE JOBS THE RIGHT NOT TO GIVE ME CHOICE !!!!! ???? You have no right at all in telling me what I can run, Steve does because it is his company. It is just this type of thing that made me decide to ditch the iPhone and go with Android. Flash works great it does not slow my phone at all, but if I did not want flash I just need not install the application. Now back to the iPad yes I did know in advance. I made the choice to go with the iPad anyway I use it to get mail, browse non Flash sites, read books "I use Kobo" so yes I do know Apple does allow competition. When it is time to replace my iPad and there is anything as good or better I will ditch the iPad. The first thing I will do is download Adobe Flash, as it is my choice. For now the iPad is unique. For the record I can live without flash on the iPad, I have to run Rosetta Stone off my PC and can not watch Toastmaster videos on my iPad but other than these cases there has not been much of an issue for me. Flash would be nice and that is all.
Greed is bad

Hey iVan, thanks for the info. No hard feelings. I just though this tech chat forum should focus on solving ipad issues. Maybe i need to dig out my sense of humor sometimes :)
As a pc user for 20 years, I am very impress by how apple has evolved over the past 15 years. This iPad just totally mesmerizes me. I hope apple will take this flash player thing seriously because without it we are missing a lot on the
We are millions to agree with you but Apple wants things done its way and wants Adobe out of it. Apple has always taken pride in the fact that the OS' they make are security tight. So when they saw that Flash leaves users open they went all out to protect systems. But that's the official version. I'm not techy enough to know better...

Flash on iPad won't happen. Just try to deal with that and tell the site owners who'll listen to you to change their sites. :shrug:

Or could we keep telling apple that 50 percent of all websites use flash. The security issue is a ruse to get revenue for content on iTunes instead of sites like Hulu that are free and use flash and free. It is pure greed by Jobs and the gang.
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