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Can't connect to wifi!!!!!!


iPF Noob
Oct 21, 2011
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I am so frustrated, lol. I got the new ipad and it won't connect to ANY wifi network. I know I am getting the password right because I had "forgot" the network on the ipad 1 just to make sure I knew the password. I tried rebooting it and turning the airplane/wifi mode on/off. Any suggestions?
I didn't have any trouble connecting but the iPad keeps dropping the connection. Darn. I'll have to figure that out.

I am so frustrated, lol. I got the new ipad and it won't connect to ANY wifi network. I know I am getting the password right because I had "forgot" the network on the ipad 1 just to make sure I knew the password. I tried rebooting it and turning the airplane/wifi mode on/off. Any suggestions?

It may take a long time in some cases (up to 5 minutes). Mine took over 1 minute the first time but after the initial setup, everything went back to normal.

Leave it there and grab a cup of coffee or something....

Hope it helps...
It tells me within seconds "unable to join ____ wifi network"
I am so frustrated, lol. I got the new ipad and it won't connect to ANY wifi network. I know I am getting the password right because I had "forgot" the network on the ipad 1 just to make sure I knew the password. I tried rebooting it and turning the airplane/wifi mode on/off. Any suggestions?

Hi nick--have you tried to power off your modem and router than power it back on to see if that worked?
I am so frustrated, lol. I got the new ipad and it won't connect to ANY wifi network. I know I am getting the password right because I had "forgot" the network on the ipad 1 just to make sure I knew the password. I tried rebooting it and turning the airplane/wifi mode on/off. Any suggestions?

Ironically, unbeknownst to me, the minute my ipad was being delivered, one of my galaxy tabs decided to lose its wifi address and couldn't connect. There are foibles with the GTs regarding address leases but what I eventually found was that my router had run out of addresses for devices (these keep a record for renewal requests and if you test different devices that you don't use often, then the addresses get tied up). So if the rebooting, etc., doesn't work, check how big the range is on your wifi router to make sure there are enough fresh ones that can be offered for your new device to grab.
REstarted modem/router and still nothing. I might go to the apple store... Sucks that it is day 1 and I am having problems :(
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Have you gone to a McDonald's or some place with free Internet to test out your iPad? That may help you see if it your device or your home network.
Yeah I went to my brothers business and connected to his secured network with zero problems of hesitations. I have changed all sorts of settings on the router to no avail. The annoying thing is that I was on the wifi on my iPad 1 trying to troubleshoot my iPad 3...
Its like the iPad isn't even trying. It nearly immediately says can't connect. I have even tried to get on one of my neighbors open networks and it shoots it down nearly as fast.
I didn't have any trouble connecting but the iPad keeps dropping the connection. Darn. I'll have to figure that out.


I seem to be having the same thing. It will connect, but it seems to drop the signal now and then. The router is new and the pc never skips a beat. Weird.

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