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After JB my 4.2.1 safari - cydia not working


iPF Noob
Aug 31, 2010
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HI ,

As so many enthusiastic IPAD owner's. I installed the new iOS 4.2.1 on my IPAD and used redsn0w beta 6 for jailbreaking it. all went smooth (as no err or anything).

But after that , I m unable to open CYDIA (white icon) and nor does safari. Whenever i click on safari , it appear opening bt suddenly crashes out in a sec.

Wht can be the cause.............

HI ,

As so many enthusiastic IPAD owner's. I installed the new iOS 4.2.1 on my IPAD and used redsn0w beta 6 for jailbreaking it. all went smooth (as no err or anything).

But after that , I m unable to open CYDIA (white icon) and nor does safari. Whenever i click on safari , it appear opening bt suddenly crashes out in a sec.

Wht can be the cause.............


after you jailbroke it, did you go back to redsnow and do the just boot tethered? Basically doing everything you previously did, but click just boot tethered instead. try that :)
I had the same happening on the first startup, too.
The only thing I dislike so far is that I had to connect to my PC when I downloaded and installed SBsettings because the iPad needed a reboot.
Kind of like a windows install ;-)
HI ,

As so many enthusiastic IPAD owner's. I installed the new iOS 4.2.1 on my IPAD and used redsn0w.............

after you jailbroke it, did you go back to redsnow and do the just boot tethered? Basically doing everything you previously did, but click just boot tethered instead. try that :)

Done that, and thankfully safari worked. But when I clicked on CYDIA (now not a white icon) , it opens with message like "it will update something and close itself" but after that I saw a Eaten PINEAPPLE icon on screen and waiting gauge , but nothing happened , home screen stopped working.... After a long time when i keep the POWER BUTTON pressed , it switched off.

But after that IPAD is not booting up, it shows apple icon and hangs............ whats wrong with this ????
HI ,

As so many enthusiastic IPAD owner's. I installed the new iOS 4.2.1 on my IPAD and used redsn0w.............

after you jailbroke it, did you go back to redsnow and do the just boot tethered? Basically doing everything you previously did, but click just boot tethered instead. try that :)

Done that, and thankfully safari worked. But when I clicked on CYDIA (now not a white icon) , it opens with message like "it will update something and close itself" but after that I saw a Eaten PINEAPPLE icon on screen and waiting gauge , but nothing happened , home screen stopped working.... After a long time when i keep the POWER BUTTON pressed , it switched off.

But after that IPAD is not booting up, it shows apple icon and hangs............ whats wrong with this ????

Welcome to your tethered jailbreak.
EVERY TIME you restart your iPad you MUST use redsn0w and reboot using the "just boot tethered right now" option.
There is noting wrong, it just that this is what tethered means!

Hi I had the same problem, now I solved it... but Does anyone knows if is there a way to jailbreak iPad with 4.2.1 FW NOT TETHERED????? PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS...
According to a google search, an untethered JB was announced for christmas some 2 hrs ago.
the link is in the forum.. also google search untethered jailbreak. Plenty of articles.
Just got to wait a few days! Its coming.
so let me get this straight: I can jailbreak with redsn0w on 4.2.1 - but it's tethered... meaning if i ever need to reboot on the road I have to be near a 32bit xp machine to re-jailbreak?

Are the only untethered jailbreaks currently 4.1 3.2.2 limera1n / greenpois0n? Does this mean I need to downgrade my ipad back to 3.2.2 to have a reliable jailbreak?
Help Needed

I jailbroke my iPad 4.2.1 and the pineapple logo shows when it boots up, but I can't Cydia anywhere on my iPad. What happened
I jailbroke my iPad 4.2.1 and the pineapple logo shows when it boots up, but I can't Cydia anywhere on my iPad. What happened

Did you hide Cydia using sbsettings or another icon hiding tool?

Also, and please don't take offence becasue I have seen users make this mistake before, you are checking the second page of icons for Cydia, aren't you? (swipe the screen left to reveal). Some folks with only one page of icons don't realise that you can have as many as you like... Apologies if you are not in this category!

If not, then something has gone wrong during the process. I would suggest a restore and re-jailbreak to ensure you have a working copy of Cydia...
I jailbroke my iPad 4.2.1 and the pineapple logo shows when it boots up, but I can't Cydia anywhere on my iPad. What happened

also try rebooting again ( tethered of course.) I jailbroke an iPhone today, same issue. reloaded and it was working.
guys - - need help here... have iphone 3GS 4.2.1 BB 5.10.04.

tried jailbraking it with redsn0w with BB upgrade to 06.15.00.

now the cydia is launched but its not working and showing only a white icon.

What to do...?

current BB is 6.15.00

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