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Welcome to the Apple iPad Forum, your one stop source for all things iPad. Register a free account today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members through your own private inbox!

What do you want as members from our forum?

I like the forum as it is. Of course implementing new things will make it better. I think some people are getting anal about the humor thing. Please don't turn this forum into some boring place where nerds meet up to exchange ideas...lmao the personality of the forum is what I like about it the most, aside from all the great info. If someone doesn't like the humor, keep it moving or simply ignore it. Just because you are a straight arrow with no sense of humor doesn't mean be a spoilsport to others. Yes, there are times when the joking is a little on the excessive side and you get tired of seeing so many smilies, but that's life. Use your user cp options to block out what you choose. Just saying...take a chill pill and enjoy the forum for what it is..sheesh..lol. Like the movie Footloose, where dancing was banned in the town. Now people want to try to ban humor from the forums...come on now ;-)
Also, a rank higher than IPad Master is needed. I've outgrown the iPad master label. You have people with only 300 something posts ranked the same as 900+ post members. Not in the same category. That's a big difference in postings and contributions to the forum. Although it's just a label, I'm just saying.
Demandarin said:
Also, a rank higher than IPad Master is needed. I've outgrown the iPad master label. You have people with only 300 something posts ranked the same as 900+ post members. Not in the same category. That's a big difference in postings and contributions to the forum. Although it's just a label, I'm just saying.

That would be nice.
Also, a rank higher than IPad Master is needed. I've outgrown the iPad master label. You have people with only 300 something posts ranked the same as 900+ post members. Not in the same category. That's a big difference in postings and contributions to the forum. Although it's just a label, I'm just saying.

I would like to be called iPad veteran...

Other V Bulletin forums allow that tag to be modified by the user. Just saying!


I for one cannot live without humor and have not a jealous or mean bone in this ol'bod. I love people and my iPad and this forum is the perfect place to find both in quantity and quality.

You can learn from the scum of the earth as much as from a guru. It's how you listen that counts and that's the basis for successful communication.

More Smilies!
SweetPoison said:
Why? Like what?

I know so much about the iPad you are jealous,
I don't think there is anything else I can know about the iPad,
I should work for apple,
Steve jobs wanna-be.
1991-C4 said:

Regarding humor...

After reading my mini-rant above, I am sure many of you think that I have no clue as to what having a sense of humor is all about. When I am not handing out infractions, I can be a really funny guy.

The thing that makes this forum so great, IMHO, is its "personality". This isn't just a place to exchange information and ideas about the iPad, but it is more of a social gathering place. With the possible exception of the Hacking section, almost everything else you wanted to know about your iPad can be found in the iPad User Guide or within the knowledge base on Apple's website or from Apple Care.

So why do people come here instead? Either they don't know about those resources provided by the manufacturer or they want to come to a place where they can talk to "real people", not some anonymous help desk employee. We have members from all over the world ranging in age from barely being a teenager to well into their golden years and they bring a wealth of experience with them... including their sense of humor... some of which we may not understand or appreciate.

I agree with this completely. This has always been a helpful AND social/friendly forum. To me this is not a news forum or a tech only forum. The balance is what has brought in and kept new members in my opinion and is not something I would think we should change. Fun talk and slight asides are ways of making people feel like a part of the community and I think leads to a well oiled forum. I am not a moderator here but I am/have been a moderator in other forums and the formula for success is the same. If we restricted this forum so tightly as to contain questions and answers only without the personality then many members would not return each day to see what is going on. I mean really, you're question is answered here's the door....yeah no. :)

PS. you can up the post display in the user cp and not have tot turn/load so many pages as per individual preference and likewise you can turn on/off automatic subscriptions.
Demandarin said:
Also, a rank higher than IPad Master is needed. I've outgrown the iPad master label. You have people with only 300 something posts ranked the same as 900+ post members. Not in the same category. That's a big difference in postings and contributions to the forum. Although it's just a label, I'm just saying.

Maybe we could make it so users with 1000+ posts could make their own label. We've done that in other forums..... forgive me when I
1991-C4 said:

Regarding humor...

After reading my mini-rant above, I am sure many of you think that I have no clue as to what having a sense of humor is all about. When I am not handing out infractions, I can be a really funny guy.

The thing that makes this forum so great, IMHO, is its "personality". This isn't just a place to exchange information and ideas about the iPad, but it is more of a social gathering place. With the possible exception of the Hacking section, almost everything else you wanted to know about your iPad can be found in the iPad User Guide or within the knowledge base on Apple's website or from Apple Care.

So why do people come here instead? Either they don't know about those resources provided by the manufacturer or they want to come to a place where they can talk to "real people", not some anonymous help desk employee. We have members from all over the world ranging in age from barely being a teenager to well into their golden years and they bring a wealth of experience with them... including their sense of humor... some of which we may not understand or appreciate.

I agree with this completely. This has always been a helpful AND social/friendly forum. To me this is not a news forum or a tech only forum. The balance is what has brought in and kept new members in my opinion and is not something I would think we should change. Fun talk and slight asides are ways of making people feel like a part of the community and I think leads to a well oiled forum. I am not a moderator here but I am/have been a moderator in other forums and the formula for success is the same. If we restricted this forum so tightly as to contain questions and answers only without the personality then many members would not return each day to see what is going on. I mean really, you're question is answered here's the door....yeah no. :)

PS. you can up the post display in the user cp and not have tot turn/load so many pages as per individual preference and likewise you can turn on/off automatic subscriptions.

Very well put and I like the idea(from your other post) about having 1000+ posts and making up your own label.
Thank you. :) I think it would be fun to create our own status once we've earned the right. Also if admins/moderators were concerned about post whoring to get that coveted status then they could also implement a length of service to the requirement.... so 1000 posts and at least 3 mos. Within 3 months any active user would have sufficient "quality" posts to be accepted to the free choice status.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
Perhaps 'Jobs Personal Assistant'?

Perhaps other ranks I mean before iPad Master there should maybe be iPad Friend, iPad admirer.

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