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question about purchasing in cydia


iPF Noob
Mar 11, 2011
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I'm looking at getting this TruPrint app from cydia. It says I can purchase the package for $9.99, but in the upper right corner it says I can install and it doesn't ask for any billing info. But there's also blue text indicating there's a free trial. What's going on here? Is it free? Do I pay $10? Or can I get a trial that expires? So confused... Please help me decipher what's going on!



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Well, as it were, you can't be charged through Cydia, lest you accept your card to be charged... If in doubt, try it out. Should you end up at a page asking to confirm your purchase, then you'll know for sure, right? :)

And, to make matters easier for you: in this case the app just downloads and install. Seem likely you might need buying in-app...
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Products that offer a free trial usually just let you install the package. There will be code in the application to disable it after the trial, at which point you will have to pay or uninstall it. There will be instructions in the app on how to do that...

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