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Poorly. Java is not supported on the iPad.

Opera Mini might work. The Flash browsers like iSwifter, Skyfire, or Puffin might work. I would not use any of them with a banking site. It is probably safe, but since they work through a remote server there is certainly more opportunity for mischief than a direct connection.

Take a look in the App Store. Many banks have their own app for access. It is also possible your bank has a special mobile device page. Look on their site for mobile access support, or ask. If they don't have a solution asking is the best way to convince them they need to get with the times.
Thanks! That was most helpfull. Do you know if Apple is planning some kind of browser that supports Java?
No ~ sorry! The iPad will never support flash. The suggestions that Poet offered is probably as good as it gets. There are numerous threads regarding this topic so I will close this one.
This thread is now re-open ~ since I thought Java was Flash.

Please refrain from discussing why the iPad doesn't support flash.
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Thanks! That was most helpfull. Do you know if Apple is planning some kind of browser that supports Java?

To the best of my knowledge Apple has no plans to support Java. While they have not said they are opposed to it directly, they do have a policy of rejecting apps that can run their own code. It's a security issue, mostly, though others have attributed less charitable motives. They are also strong supporters of HTML 5 standards, which as far as I know includes Java Script, but not Java itself. Overall, there is a growing movement to standardize the web and get rid of plugins where possible, and Apple is all for it.

Of course being Apple, they are free to break their own policies any time they want.

But if Java support is essential, the iPad is going to be troublesome to work with.

Not that Android is likely to be the answer. Despite much of the OS and apps being written in Java the stock browser does not support Java, at least not the last time I checked.
twerppoet said:
Not that Android is likely to be the answer. Despite much of the OS and apps being written in Java the stock browser does not support Java, at least not the last time I checked.

Firefox mobile was just released for android, and it should support everything.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Hmm, I was curious so I did some searching. It appears Firefox Mobile could do Java, if there were a plugin for it, but I can find no mention of a plugin that will work with it. Have you heard of one?
Logmein Ignition or Splashtop might be another alternative. Last I heard Puffin was working on Java support and they claim that all traffic is encrypted and anonymous though it may still be a risk.
I should have thought of the the remote desktop solution. I'd probably pass on Splashtop though. Last time I checked it shows what you are doing on the computer screen. Not good unless you can insure no one can look.
I should have thought of the the remote desktop solution. I'd probably pass on Splashtop though. Last time I checked it shows what you are doing on the computer screen. Not good unless you can insure no one can look.
Logmein Ignition does have an option in preferences to blank the screen and is *much* faster than Splashtop with certain versions of Windows. I understand that the reverse is true for certain versions of OSX. I like Splashtop and it streams audio for free; but, overall LMI is a much more polished product.

I have not tested the Blank the Screen option.
Should have said I love Splashtop. Just would not use it for remote access if security were an issue. Unless I could be certain no-one had access to the desktop I was accessing. I 'might' do it then, but I'd have to be real sure; especially if it was for work and not my private use.
Should have said I love Splashtop. Just would not use it for remote access if security were an issue. Unless I could be certain no-one had access to the desktop I was accessing. I 'might' do it then, but I'd have to be real sure; especially if it was for work and not my private use.

Of course, I understand.
I should have thought of the the remote desktop solution. I'd probably pass on Splashtop though. Last time I checked it shows what you are doing on the computer screen. Not good unless you can insure no one can look.

I can now confirm that Logmein Ignition does indeed have an option to hide the screen for each session, and that it works perfectly. When turning on the option ("Blank the Screen") in the iPad's settings, the desktop will pop up permission to install the necessary driver. For each subsequent session LMI will confirm that the screen will not be visible (for the session) until the option is turned off.
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