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IPad disappointment


iPF Noob
Jan 8, 2011
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just got a 32gb WiFi refurbished unit yesterday and have to say that I am somewhat disappointed at the time it takes to fully load a web page:confused:
I was expecting net book/laptop speeds......was I out to lunch on that?
I have a MacBook Pro and an iTouch so I knew the built quality would be good but I honestly thought there would be more zing to the browser....any thoughts?
The only ones I have trouble with are content/script rich like MSNBC. Otherwise it's no different than my PC.

I just flipped over to TUAW and I was reading instantly with full graphics in less than 3 seconds.

Where are you seeing the worst load times?
I thnk you need to figure out where the bottleneck is causing slow uploads first. On my iPad the webpages load just fine.
I thnk you need to figure out where the bottleneck is causing slow uploads first. On my iPad the webpages load just fine.

As an example this website loads half as fast as on my MacBook Pro, it seems to hang up during the last half of the download.
The iPad shouldn't be as fast as most laptops. The specs on most computers will exceed the iPad. It should be as fast as an iPod touch though. It's plenty fast for me, but can't compare to Google Chrome on the laptop.
I agree with the OP. I think the iPad does a pretty good job for a portable device, but compared to my desktop PC I would guess it is at best 50% as fast at rendering web pages. That being said, comparing the iPad hardware to my PC I think that is pretty good. I think the real bottle neck with the iPad is the extremely small amount of system RAM. I am betting the next generation will address that issue.
My iPad is about as fast as my MBP in most cases. It sounds like a router issue. You might want to investigate router incompatibilities.
My iPad is about as fast as my MBP in most cases. It sounds like a router issue. You might want to investigate router incompatibilities.

You might want to check your macbook for malware. The iPad is no where near as fast as a desktop or laptop loading pages.
I too was having load issues and Netflix and You Tube was just horrible. I did a search on how to speed my iPad up but nothing worked. Luckily, I just so happened to get a new wireless router when I was staying at a hotel that had free internet, but it was wired. Long story short, it was my old crappy router that was slowing everything down. The new one, which isn't even that great, made load times a hell of a lot faster. Thinking of getting an even better router soon.
I think the iPad is fast enough. I also have an android tablet and that is a lot slower than my iPad. Also have an touch that is comparab,
Le to iPad but none like my laptop.
As an example: CBC Saskatchewan - News, Weather, Radio, TV
Takes 19 seconds to fully load in my iPad according to the status bar, while on my MacBook Pro I cannot start and stop my iTouch stop watch fast enough to capture the time it takes to fully download the page :confused:
I just touched on link from inside Ipad forum app and it took about 3-4 sec. at most. As soon as I touched the link the page loaded, zip, the graphics and that was it. I don't even have a great router--an old Linksys but it does a very good job. One has to think differences are in routers or where you are in terms of signao strength perhaps though this far from my area of expertise LOL.

I just opened it 2 more times and I was careful about time--4 seconds tops. The page loads, the graphics and then the temps.

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