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Ipad 2 not moving at Lantau Island


iPF Noob
Mar 17, 2011
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It is Saturaday! Doesnt Fedex work on weekends? My Ipad 2 is still just hanging out at Lantau Island Local. It needs to move, my fingers are getting itchy, my heart is racing, and my coffee is cold...
I've had this problem with FedEx before - sometimes your package just sits in a warehouse for ever. There should be a way of either bringing it to someone's attention, or getting an explanation. I'd almost rather not know it's just sitting there....

Is it actually not moving, or simply the system has not been updated to reflect new movement?
Hi Don. Ours must be on the same flight. First mine missed the cuttoff and now it has been stuck in HK.
I ordered three items on-line early on March 11th. I have received two of them so far, and hopefully will receive my Ipad on March 22nd. Each of the previous items did have a relatively long stay in Hong Kong, but I received them on the estimated delivery date first posted by Fedex. I know it's a pain to wait, but the Fedex delivery seems to be going rather smoothly.
Mine has been sitting for days as well.. Hopefully they will move sometime
My DH got his already (white-shipped first) without a delay at Lantau, but mine has been in Lantau for 3 full days. FedEx told me there has not been room on the planes. When I tried to (nicely) press him a bit, he told me that it will get here by the 22nd and they are not late, so don't worry about it. I figure it may stay there another day before it absolutely has to move if it is to get here in time.
No room on a plane? What about the bathroom? The resting quarters? The hallways? The bulkheads? The cockpit?

You know, they made the iPad thinner... you'd think they would make the packaging thinner as well. I mean, do they really need that big ass box it comes in? Flatten that box down by half and they can ship twice as many!
Waiting is hard

My iPad has also decided to take a vacation on the island. It was picked up on the 15th but is still just sitting on the island. Even checked this morning and no movement. Fedex tracking says it is on time to be delivered by 4:30 on the 22nd but we will see.
Just got an email from FedEx. They said my shipment is still on schedule for delivery Wed by 4:30 regardless of Lantau island hold up. Also, noted that the shipment must still clear customs.
Yeah Mine stayed there from the 12th to the 14th just after midnight local time. It made it to me in Atlanta around noon on the 15th (was scheduled for the 17th).

So I wouldn't worry about the hold up there as all the flights go pretty quickly once it leaves. Mine went Anchorage to Memphis to Atlanta in a 24 hour or so period, then took about 6 hours to get from the ATL air hub to my condo in the city.
Ok now it says arrived at sennan-shi jp.

Why would they send it through Japan? With all the problems in Japan, you would think they would avoid Japan. It may end up with an incoming radiation scan for a further delay!

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