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iOS 4.2 Beta 2 Download


iPF Noob
Sep 9, 2010
Reaction score
Beta 2 Is now out for the DEV's and for the ones that know a DEV to add their UDID.
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can this be option-updated like the beta 1 if you don't have dev udid>?
can this be option-updated like the beta 1 if you don't have dev udid>?

Hi !

Im not sure, have not heard anyone optionupgrade with Beta 2 yet, but i hardly think that It would be any difference between the Betas.

I signed up for a dev acount at aple.. is that simply enough?? or are there other steps to be taken??
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by signing as a dev you have to shell out a couple of bucks.
you have to pay , i just cant remember how much. i remember asking mikestoolz but it went off my mind. hahaha as im not interested to pay.
99usd, and then u are able to add UDIDs on your own.

U find the Dev site here and u can register your account, but have to pay 99usd/year for the beta acess.
Registration is free.

Apple Developer
Are there any known bugs or operability issues severe enough to cause a regular, everyday user not to want to put Beta 2 of iOS 4.2 on his iPad?
Are there any known bugs or operability issues severe enough to cause a regular, everyday user not to want to put Beta 2 of iOS 4.2 on his iPad?

I've tried both betas, and beta 2 is definitely more stable and bug-free. Not having any noticeable issues so far.
It just came out. Give it time. I know that Beta 1 caused me severe sadness! I could not access the internet outside my home.:( for two days.

And I really needed my iPad out in the field. So ~ I had to downgrade back. I will just wait until Nov.

There are some that have no problems whatsoever!
Beta 2 has much better wifi connection and stability. Also, this won't matter to most people, but beta 2 finally adds the full range of language support for the keyboard.
There's a reason why Apple gives access to the beta-versions only to developers.
An ordinary, everyday user should never use beta-versions on his system if he doesn't want to jeopardize the usability of this system.
As for V4.2 Beta 1, this was still veeery unstable:
- Mail crashes regularly
- WiFi ceases working a dozen times per day, forcing you to reboot the iPad
- Quite a few Apps stopped working and just crash
- Landscape/Portrait-mode doesn't always work properly
- Deleting a video sometimes makes the video-app crash and it will only work again after a resync with iTunes.
- Backups made with iTunes won't restore to the iPad (learned that the hard way)

These are the effects 4.2 Beta 1 has on my iPad.
I'm sure others have different issues.

Tonight, I'll install 4.2 Beta 2. I hope that will be more stable.

Any ordinary user should definetly wait until the official version comes out.

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