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Android apps


iPF Noob
Jun 8, 2012
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Just wondering if there is a way to run android based apps on an iPad 2 please? Any help would be appreciated thanks
No. If the app was not developed to run on iOS, it won't run. The closest you can get is to try out a web app. Sorry.

Thanks for that. Sorry to be a little thick but how would I go about using a web app please?
Honestly? I've no clue... :)

I know that there are plenty of sites that have games and such you can play (even without Flash). All I can suggest is a Google search to see which ones are out there.

I was at a site one time and you could actually put a bookmark on your iPad to take you right back to the game. They had a whole list of games you could play online. But, can I remember that site now? Nope. Sorry.

So, hopefully someone else will come along and give you some pointers. Sorry not to be of better help.

I can't remember any of the sites myself. Probably because the games are usually buggy and of poor quality. I stopped experimenting with them almost as soon as a started.

You'll get a better experience with the free apps from the App Store, even the so-so ones are generally better than web app games. There are exceptions, I'm sure.

If you want to try them, try Googling for HTML5 mobile games. Add iPad to the search to narrow it a bit; though in my experience it doesn't guarantee the site actually works with the iPad.

If this is about not having a credit card to get games from the App Store (it often is, and please take no offense if it is not), then you can set up an iTunes account without a credit card. Just follow these instructions.

Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
twerppoet said:
I can't remember any of the sites myself. Probably because the games are usually buggy and of poor quality. I stopped experimenting with them almost as soon as a started.

You'll get a better experience with the free apps from the App Store, even the so-so ones are generally better than web app games. There are exceptions, I'm sure.

If you want to try them, try Googling for HTML5 mobile games. Add iPad to the search to narrow it a bit; though in my experience it doesn't guarantee the site actually works with the iPad.

If this is about not having a credit card to get games from the App Store (it often is, and please take no offense if it is not), then you can set up an iTunes account without a credit card. Just follow these instructions.

Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card

No offence taken, the advice is appreciated. No what is really about is that I have one android app that I would really like to use on the iPad as the interface makes it ideal so that is the reason for my post. Thanks for the help
mark770 said:
No offence taken, the advice is appreciated. No what is really about is that I have one android app that I would really like to use on the iPad as the interface makes it ideal so that is the reason for my post. Thanks for the help

Have you tried looking in the app store to see if there is an iPhone/iPad version of the app.
Yeah no joy, available on android, blackberry, windows and mac! Every format but the one I was hoping for but thanks for the suggestion all the same
Out of curiosity (and if you don't mind) what app is it?

It's possible someone else here knows of a workable solution for you. There are quite a few members who use both Android and iOS devices. No guarantees, but if you don't ask. . .
twerppoet said:
Out of curiosity (and if you don't mind) what app is it?

It's possible someone else here knows of a workable solution for you. There are quite a few members who use both Android and iOS devices. No guarantees, but if you don't ask. . .

Thanks for the help, it's a football/soccer coaching app called SoccerSketch. It would be hugely helpful if there is an actual workaround for this. Thanks again
I see a lot of similar apps in the App Store. I'm sure you are aware of that, but it never hurst (much) to mention the obvious.

The only other possibility I can think of is to use a remote desktop app to run the desktop version. I don't know how well that will work, translating mouse to touch. Probably awkward but not impossible.

The two most popular apps are LogMeIn Ignition and SplashTop.
twerppoet said:
I see a lot of similar apps in the App Store. I'm sure you are aware of that, but it never hurst (much) to mention the obvious.

The only other possibility I can think of is to use a remote desktop app to run the desktop version. I don't know how well that will work, translating mouse to touch. Probably awkward but not impossible.

The two most popular apps are LogMeIn Ignition and SplashTop.

Splash top seems as though it will give me almost exactly what I was hoping for (not quite but as close as I think I can get) so thank you very much for your advice and direction. I think the apps you mention may also have other uses too so very useful additions thanks

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