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Why Jobs Flash explanation doesn't make sense

I know Iam new to this forum but dam its so funny ....on here all I hear is android fanboy and on android forums all you hear is apple fanboys..I guess im both I love my x and my ipad but flash is very nice to have..
So I guess I am alone in running into everyday scenarious where lack of Flash is an issue without a workaround. The thing is that not letting me access the content just puts me back @ my PC so I can go to that particular site. I would rather spend more time on my iPad rather than go back and forth. Or do the rest of you just say, "screw it, I didn't need to go there anyways?" That's just not an option for me but maybe I'm just unlucky.

You're not alone dude. Though I don't own an iPad, this is the main reason I haven't bought one in the years since it's release and also lately with the bleeding screen issue. These 2 issues really serve to take the shine away from the iPad and have me seriously asking myself 'Is this really the device that fits my needs/wants?) I don't want to buy a mobile device only to be driven back to my PC just to enjoy things the way I have ever since I've ever owned a computer. Don't get me wrong I do own an ipod and an older ibook, so I'm not an apple hater, but I don't appreciate this fiasco about Flash. It's pretty obvious that Apple's app store is in direct competition with Flash and to me that seems clear.

For the price of an iPad I expect to have a full internet experience, and I expect a screen without backlight bleeding. I want to buy one in many ways, but, I just can't bring myself to do it.
Hasty said:
For your delectation

Rim Playbook delay most likely due to........

Wait for it...


No BlackBerry PlayBook Yet? Blame Flash | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

On the other hand, the fact that they are delaying it is a testament to how important they believe it is.

I'm kind of shocked at how people are saying that those who disagree are "whining". Consumers are supposed to speak out about things like this. It is how the world works.
kevbo said:
On the other hand, the fact that they are delaying it is a testament to how important they believe it is.

I'm sure they figure they need to have _something_ to attract buyers. Note, though, that was only one suggestion as to why it is delayed. The more common theme I saw was that it was delayed due to parts availability.

I'm kind of shocked at how people are saying that those who disagree are "whining". Consumers are supposed to speak out about things like this. It is how the world works.

I agree. The only ones I have a problem with are the ones who feel that Apple owes them Flash for some bizarre reason. They seem to think that it's unfair for Apple not to give them whatever they want. Strange.

The funny ones are the people who figure that Apple is making a huge mistake by not allowing Flash or that it's vital that any web device support it for some reason. 15,000,000 plus iPads in addition to who knows how many iPhones and a portion of the iPod touches out there seem to indicate that it's not that important for everyone! :)
Ok, one more! ;)

The issues with flash are:

At the hardware level: requires a great deal of resources (CPU, ram)
At the security level: There can be exploits thru the plugin mechanism. Actually, there are!
At the Developper level: there is only one provider for the tools, Adobe...
At the business level: that would mean that there would be apps or games available outside the AppStore, out of control of Apple
At the experience level: websites are abusing this technology! Devs are using shortcuts as it is easier for them. Why should I see ads in flash?
At the user level: overall, only one provider for the player, Adobe!
At the technology level: everything can be done by using HTML 5 or by using an app!
At the gui level: multitouch and flash games are not designed to play well together
At the data level: flash does required more data to be transferred, meaning that those with a limited data plan could have big surprises at the end of the month...

Those are the issues I can think of for now. Even if someone says that they want flash support does not make those issue irrelevant or untrue.

Wanting is easy, making it happen is another story...

VicoPad addict!
Ok, one more! ;)

The issues with flash are:

At the hardware level: requires a great deal of resources (CPU, ram)
At the security level: There can be exploits thru the plugin mechanism. Actually, there are!
At the Developper level: there is only one provider for the tools, Adobe...
At the business level: that would mean that there would be apps or games available outside the AppStore, out of control of Apple
At the experience level: websites are abusing this technology! Devs are using shortcuts as it is easier for them. Why should I see ads in flash?
At the user level: overall, only one provider for the player, Adobe!
At the technology level: everything can be done by using HTML 5 or by using an app!
At the gui level: multitouch and flash games are not designed to play well together
At the data level: flash does required more data to be transferred, meaning that those with a limited data plan could have big surprises at the end of the month...

Those are the issues I can think of for now. Even if someone says that they want flash support does not make those issue irrelevant or untrue.

Wanting is easy, making it happen is another story...

VicoPad addict!

1. The iPad's hardware can handle it. Especially the iPad 2. Is it slower than my old 550mhz Droid?
2. As someone else said, Flash has been sandboxed in Chrome, making it no less secure than any other app.
3. There is only one provider for iPad apps too, which is Apple. I don't really think they have the moral upper hand here.
4. True.
5. As I said, on Android, most people have it set so Flash runs "on demand" only. It only plays when you press on the video you want to watch.
6. Again, I will cite Apple's monopoly on everything iPad.
7. Can it? WhiteHouse.gov is supposedly iPad friendly, but their live stream is Flash. I've yet to see a live stream that wasn't in Flash. Why aren't episodes on the major networks in HTML5? Can you do things like put commercials in the middle? I'm not being arrogant here, I really don't know. I just think they would be in HTML5 if it was possible.
8. I agree, but is missing rollover on some games enough to not have it?
9. Maybe so.

I've thought about this a lot and recently saw another thread about someone wanting to watch TV shows. Is it because Apple would lose money from people being able to watch free TV shows online? The most popular shows are all available on their respective networks' sites for free. Again, I don't think I have a divine right to Flash, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. A company that doesn't do this may make more money by selling hardware/mobile ads. It's the risk Apple is taking.

Anyway, I didn't do this to be mean or to fight over it. I'm gonna try to stop posting on this subject. I'll give iSwifter or the other one a try. I know no one thinks so, but I think Apple will be faced with a tough choice in the near future. They will either have to open up or be relegated back to "niche" status.
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Hasty said:
For your delectation

Rim Playbook delay most likely due to........

Wait for it...


No BlackBerry PlayBook Yet? Blame Flash | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

On the other hand, the fact that they are delaying it is a testament to how important they believe it is.

I'm kind of shocked at how people are saying that those who disagree are "whining". Consumers are supposed to speak out about things like this. It is how the world works.

No, I don't think so. I think the reason they're delaying it because of Flash is because they don't want to release it, promising Flash, and it not having it work correctly.

Then they'll have hundreds of people moaning and complaining that it doesn't have Flash or that it doesn't work right.
Every single day I'm reminded of why my iPad falls short of giving me the experience I deserve as a customer. Jobs says that there is no need for Flash anyways since you can access most of your content without it. Well, like I said, I could send Steve Jobs a daily list of places I'm prevented from going because of the lack of Flash. Am I just unlucky or is this the experience of most iPad users? And when I said daily encounters I mean, new websites I try to interact with which prevent me from experiencing their whole offering. There is no work around or App to make these work. If you add to my list the number of compromise (and often disappointing) solutions offered by various Apps to access Flash content then the number of items on the list just grows exponentially. It's such an easy fix (Apple, help Adobe deliver a good IOS Flash solution). Instead, Steve tells us to eat cake. I really just don't get it.

Alright, done with my rant. BTW, this is what prompted my post.
http://marionso.com/flash.php Again, not an isolated incident but a daily occurrence in my web interactions.

Apple is being cocky because they are dominating the market. They will tell you, don't need flash, you don't need a camera and once they put on a camera they will tell you don't need a quality camera. Apple fanboys will follow this cult and will tell you the same thing. As for me, I 100% agree with you. This could have been a simple fix by letting Flash as an optional installation from the app store.
Hasty said:
For your delectation

Rim Playbook delay most likely due to........

Wait for it...


No BlackBerry PlayBook Yet? Blame Flash | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

On the other hand, the fact that they are delaying it is a testament to how important they believe it is.

I'm kind of shocked at how people are saying that those who disagree are "whining". Consumers are supposed to speak out about things like this. It is how the world works.

No, I don't think so. I think the reason they're delaying it because of Flash is because they don't want to release it, promising Flash, and it not having it work correctly.

Then they'll have hundreds of people moaning and complaining that it doesn't have Flash or that it doesn't work right.
how can you not understand that Flash could be OPTIONAL. Do I need to spell it out for everyone? O.P.T.I.O.N.A.L. -> this means you install it if you want it and if whatever happens you are on your own.
kevbo said:
1. The iPad's hardware can handle it. Especially the iPad 2. Is it slower than my old 550mhz Droid?
2. As someone else said, Flash has been sandboxed in Chrome, making it no less secure than any other app.
3. There is only one provider for iPad apps too, which is Apple. I don't really think they have the moral upper hand here.
4. True.
5. As I said, on Android, most people have it set so Flash runs "on demand" only. It only plays when you press on the video you want to watch.
6. Again, I will cite Apple's monopoly on everything iPad.
7. Can it? WhiteHouse.gov is supposedly iPad friendly, but their live stream is Flash. I've yet to see a live stream that wasn't in Flash. Why aren't episodes on the major networks in HTML5? Can you do things like put commercials in the middle? I'm not being arrogant here, I really don't know. I just think they would be in HTML5 if it was possible.
8. I agree, but is missing rollover on some games enough to not have it?
9. Maybe so.

I've thought about this a lot and recently saw another thread about someone wanting to watch TV shows. Is it because Apple would lose money from people being able to watch free TV shows online? The most popular shows are all available on their respective networks' sites for free. Again, I don't think I have a divine right to Flash, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. A company that doesn't do this may make more money by selling hardware/mobile ads. It's the risk Apple is taking.

1. Oh yes, it can but that does not change the fact that it is resources hungry
2. Any third party plugging can have a flaw in a way or another. It's a matter of time before someone finds it...
3. Wrong analogy. You still can choose the device you want to use. It's like saying that Ford only makes Ford model. To keep the analogy, flash is like a road that's forces you to have a Ford to drive on that road...
4. Everybody will agree on that :)
5. So if the experience is good, why disable flash?
6. Again, see no. 3... Same goes for silverlight or java... Humm, no, java you have the choice of your provider (Oracle, openjdk, IBM, etc...)
7. I said technically...
8. A game is a game... Are all xbox games available on the PS3?

If Apple wanted to keep a monopoly on tv shows, there would not be Netflix available, or podcasts, or other apps allowing you to watch tv content at all. Often it's a matter of the provider to restrict how you can watch their content. As an example, GlobalTV made an app to see their online content in Canada. But some tv shows are not available in the apps because the providers (Fox...) does not allow those show to play on the iPad... It's not a technical issue, but a business issue.

VicoPad addict!
how can you not understand that Flash could be OPTIONAL. Do I need to spell it out for everyone? O.P.T.I.O.N.A.L. -> this means you install it if you want it and if whatever happens you are on your own.

Do you honestly believe that everyone will say "Oh, my browser crashed when I went to run that animation. It was my own fault for installing Flash."? I don't. I write software for a living and having the user blame my software for upstream glitches is par for the course. We've even had clients move to competitors (in a very vertical market, no less) because of issues with other software (or even viruses, which is appropriate since we're discussing Flash) crashing our system.

The part that I'm missing from all of these people who are so sure that Apple should include Flash support is, why? What would it buy them? Will they sell more iPads? Doesn't seem likely since they're having trouble keeping up with supply as it is but even if it were the case Apple seems quite content to keep to their own little niche. They don't need to own the whole market, just the whole market for people who want their product.
Catfiend said:
Do you honestly believe that everyone will say "Oh, my browser crashed when I went to run that animation. It was my own fault for installing Flash."? I don't. I write software for a living and having the user blame my software for upstream glitches is par for the course. We've even had clients move to competitors (in a very vertical market, no less) because of issues with other software (or even viruses, which is appropriate since we're discussing Flash) crashing our system.


Oh man, I hear you on that! I was working on a system using MS SQL server. There was a bug in the SQL server causing some erratic behavior in our system... Who do you think that the customers blamed? Not Microsoft but our system... It took months to find out the source of the problem and how to patch it. All this non sense because the server did not have access to Internet (which you don't want to do anyway). MS answer was to give access to Internet... Duh! Finally found out a workaround on some forum by disabling a security feature in SQL server...

Users always think that it is easy as 1,2,3... If only they knew how hard it can be to create a simple bug free app...

VicoPad addict!
Users always think that it is easy as 1,2,3... If only they knew how hard it can be to create a simple bug free app...

VicoPad addict!

One of the reasons I went with an iPad is that I wanted something that just works. No fiddling and futzing, it just works. I'm willing to give up some features, particularly ones with downsides that I can appreciate, to have something that works when I want it to without babysitting. Having spent a lot of time on Windows systems over the years, I crave reliability.
To those who suggested Puffin: THANK YOU! I am now able to use many of the children's game sites and see job boards that wouldn't work before, my wife is able to balance the checkbook on hers as well as some other sites she was having to use the desktop for, my daughter is able to check her college bulletin board and other college related sites.
Thank You again

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