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What PS3 or PC/Mac game are you playing right now?


iPF Noob
May 26, 2010
Reaction score
I'm sort of in between games at the moment. I'm waiting for SC2 to come out July 17th but honestly I'm not sure I'll really get into it. I was a huge Warcraft fan back in the day I never really got into SC back then.

I am off and on playing Infamous for the PS3 (it's a sandbox game like GTA).

And of course I am playing with my iPad.

Previously I was REALLY into CoD MW2 but I am so sick of dealing with the iWNet server matching system that always puts me with some host with four bar connection and everyone else has 3 or lower.

What are YOU playing?
Haven't played my PS3 in a while. Mainly use my XBOX 360 playing MW2 multiplayer with the new maps that just came out. And am also playing Red Dead Redemption quite a bit.
I have more friends with an XBOX 360 so that's why I usually get my games for that.
The last game for PS3 that I loved was Uncharted 2. Recently I started Avatar, but its slow going for now. I'm not sure I would recommend it.
I would never watch the movie if someone paid me, so the thought of playing the video game is beyond comprehension for me.
Movie games never interested me. Some of the Lego movie games have, but I haven't bought one yet.
Heavy Rain was the last thing I was playing (have all systems though). But since I received my iPad, I haven't turned any of them on! The honeymoon isn't over yet :)
Someone on another forum recommended Heavy Rain for the PS3 to me...but it seemed like just an interactive story with no skill...is that not the case?
Dragon Age on the 360 (available for PS3 too). I can't seem to get enough of the game ;).
Have you tried the Mount and Blade games? Taleworlds makes them. They offer a trial version, is a rpg style of game. PC only I think.

Nope never heard of them, I will have to look into it.
Heavy Rain is a modern day point and click adventure at heart, but that is what I like about it. And it gets good ratings from people who like all types of games. I hate shooters! RPGs are my favorite. I've finished Dragon Age for PC and have the expansion but haven't played it yet.
I hate shooters on consoles, love them on the PC, but I play all types of games. Maybe I will try out that Heavy Rain.

Red Dead Redemption
Need For Speed Shift
Little Big Planet

Couple of others...


Super Mario World


Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Quake Live
Return To Castle Wolfenstein


Let's Golf
Real Racing
Asphalt 5

Bunch of others...
Bah, I would never play a FPS on a console. There is a reason none of the FPS games interface between the consoles and PC...because the console users would get their asses kicked by the accuracy of a mouse. The closest I came to FPS on the console was the Uncharted series...

I do like MW2 but the matching system is uber ghey compared to the MW game where you could have dedicated servers and whatnot. Now I barely play it.

Come to think of it, I'm not really playing much at all right now. I still might try that Heavy Rain game.

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