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What do you guys think about the movie Hunger Games?


iPF Noob
Mar 9, 2012
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If you watched the Hunger Games, did you like it or not?

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I liked it a lot, it wasn't as good as the book but it was still really good. It wasn't nearly as voilent as the book, I'm kinda glad they dididn't have too much blood and gore. I really liked it though. I'm looking forward to seeing the other 2 movies.
iBenji said:
I liked it a lot, it wasn't as good as the book but it was still really good. It wasn't nearly as voilent as the book, I'm kinda glad they dididn't have too much blood and gore. I really liked it though. I'm looking forward to seeing the other 2 movies.

Me too.

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I thought the hunger games was the best movie EVER!!!!!

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