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Volume increase ans scribbling


iPF Noob
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

Please let me know if there is a way to increase the max volume of my iPad.. I was watching a movie on the plane and could hardly hear the dialogues with the engines humming.

And please let me know if there is a free app to take down notes by scribbling on the screen with my finger.


ahmadkh said:
Hi Guys,

Please let me know if there is a way to increase the max volume of my iPad.. I was watching a movie on the plane and could hardly hear the dialogues with the engines humming.

And please let me know if there is a free app to take down notes by scribbling on the screen with my finger.



As far as scribbling goes, there is an app called paper. I believe this should do what you were referring to.
fred0149 said:
As far as scribbling goes, there is an app called paper. I believe this should do what you were referring to.


Any idea about increasing the volume output?
Another way of minimizing the outside noise such as airplane hum is to get yourself headphones with noise reduction capability .. i believe some airlines are using this type of headphones for their in flight entertainment ..

ipad volume is mor or less fix ..
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There is an app called Penultimate (.99) that's great for note taking, scribbling, etc. Keep organized using their notebook feature. Send files to Dropbox or Evernote. GREAT APP for the money!

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