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Trouble with Cellular 3G Connection


iPF Noob
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Aurora, IL
I updated my jailbroken iPad saturday to 3.2.1 firmware and I have noticed that the WiFi signal strength has increased. I also noticed that my cellular connection has been on Edge ever since. I know that it has to be the software because the locations that i am using my iPad has not changed. I was in my living room and now i am on the train... I know for damn sure that the train is not taking a new route to chicago.

Hell as i tyoe this it has an "o" as my connection. Check out my screenshot.....



Should i call ATT? what is the problem?
The O for signal means you have data connection but its slower than Edge.

you should try putting the ipad into airplane mode for 10 seconds then turn airplane mode back off.

If that doesnt fix it perform a reboot. Hold both the home button and sleep/wake buttons at the same time until it reboots.

If those to things fail to fix the problem than it is in fact the cellular service in your area. One of the cell towers may have gone down.
I tried the Airplane Mode thing... No Dice

Shut it off for 10 min and turned it back on... No Dice

I think i am calling ATT in about 10 min... Ill keep you posted
well i called them and they had me do the airplane mode... turn on and off the device... then they had me reset network settings... then they "Sent me some packets" i rebooted and nothing was fixed....

They opened a Network Ticket and they said that they would call me back

This started when i updated to 3.2.1

I Will keep you posted
OK, ill be watching this to see what the outcome was. Its most likely an ATT issue on their end.

Also not that if your ipad is on edge, it wont auto switch back to 3G service. You need to keep switching airplane mode on and off every once and a while so that it tries to connect to 3G service.
OK, ill be watching this to see what the outcome was. Its most likely an ATT issue on their end.

Also not that if your ipad is on edge, it wont auto switch back to 3G service. You need to keep switching airplane mode on and off every once and a while so that it tries to connect to 3G service.


i have noticed when the cell signal strength gets low it switches to Edge and when the bars get full it switches back to 3G...

Anyways i will konw more soon
I will really be interested also. I have noticed that my iPad is also in Edge mode, has been since I went to Detroit last week. I live in Central Florida so if it is a "cellular service in your area" problem as MikesToolZ suggests, it is a pretty widespread problem. Maybe I'm "holding" it wrong?

I have a JB, 3.2 firmware iPad. Noticed Edge in Detroit (Novi area), Edge at DTW, Edge at MCO, Edge at home, Edge in Vero Beach, and now Edge at home again. Heck, in Vero this past weekend I used my HTC Hero as a hotspot and had a great 3G connection all weekend. None whatsoever with AT&T.

I knew I shouldn't have gotten the 3G model with ATT service (or lack thereof). I dropped them 12 years ago for a reason and now I remember why.....
Well folks i am here at the apple store waiting like the other lemmings for some EFFING service. I have an appointment that was booked at 11:00 cst for a 6:00 cst meeting at my local store... Well i checked i. Early( about 10 min) and here i wait....

The update from ATT is that there is no update they called to say that nothing is wrong with theirservice, i know that because my neighbor has the i phone 4 and he has 3G all day. In fact they told me that they will call tmr to hear what apple says because he is personally interested...

Let you all knowwhat appke says
out of the Apple store and.....

They just gave me a NEW 64GB 3G iPad... they said they have no idea what it is but it is not the first one that they have seen at that location that was having the same issue as i had...

They had me sign a piece of paper and i got a new pad. i am not restoring the old backup because it is goign to put on the 3.2.1 OS so i am starting from scratch. i will wait for the good ol' 4.0 to come out.
Thanks for the update. I'm having the same issues after the 3.2.1 update. When I had 3.2 i was always on 3g sometimes slow but always had a 3g connection. After i updated i have seen the E , no service, searching... and 3g. I have to turn the ipad off then I'll get a stable 3g connection for a little while but it will eventually disconnect. If i get a new ipad will it effect my unlimited data plan?
Thanks for the update. I'm having the same issues after the 3.2.1 update. When I had 3.2 i was always on 3g sometimes slow but always had a 3g connection. After i updated i have seen the E , no service, searching... and 3g. I have to turn the ipad off then I'll get a stable 3g connection for a little while but it will eventually disconnect. If i get a new ipad will it effect my unlimited data plan?

I still have the unlimited plan... it has to do with your sim card not your ipad.
I still have the unlimited plan... it has to do with your sim card not your ipad.

Cool. I thought they might just take the old ipad and give you a new one with a new sim, then tell you to register for 3g again.
My 'Pad went back to 3G. :D Not sure why, I did let it run all the way down to auto shut off then recharged back to full. Turned it on and I have full 3G connection and speeds. I wonder if Awful Telephone and Telegraph "fixed" something.....
I got my iPad replaced. The replacement came with 3.2. Haven't had one disconnect yet.
Try this... If you're jailbroken and using SBS Settings, swipe finger from left to right across where signal bars and ATT carrier logo are. A screen will pop-up for the SBS options like re-spring. There's also a 3G icon... Make sure yours isn't disabled (red) like mine was. Tapping to make it green worked like a charm. 3Gcame back to life in an instant. Hope that helps :)

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