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iPF Noob
Apr 11, 2010
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San Francisco
The computer I use to sync my iPad has a clock problem. If I'm not diligent about correcting it before I sync the time ends up being wrong. Is there a way to change the the time on the iPad itself; is there a good clock/Alarm App?
Try Settings>General>Date and Time>Set Date and Time

I do not now about a good (or bad) clock/Alarm App, but I would like to hear about it if you find one.
Unfortunately, I don't think you will find a good clock/alarm app until either apple releases one or we get iPhone os 4.0. Right now a clock app would have to be open for the alarm to work. Not very useful in my opinion. I really hope apple releases one with at least the functionality of the one on the iPhone soon.
The computer I use to sync my iPad has a clock problem. If I'm not diligent about correcting it before I sync the time ends up being wrong. Is there a way to change the the time on the iPad itself; is there a good clock/Alarm App?

Change the battery on the main computer That should fix the clock problem there as for the ipad use Settings>General>Date and Time>Set Date and Time


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