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The Reason for No Flash


iPF Noob
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
Adobe Responds to the iPad's Lack of Flash - apple ipad - Gizmodo

It looks like Apple is continuing to impose restrictions on their devices that limit both content publishers and consumers. Unlike many other ebook readers using the ePub file format, consumers will not be able to access ePub content with Apple's DRM technology on devices made by other manufacturers. And without Flash support, iPad users will not be able to access the full range of web content, including over 70% of games and 75% of video on the web.

If I want to use the iPad to connect to Disney, Hulu, Miniclip, Farmville, ESPN, Kongregate, or JibJab — not to mention the millions of other sites on the web — I'll be out of luck.

Adobe and more than 50 of our partners in the Open Screen Project are working to enable developers and content publishers to deliver to any device, so that consumers have open access to their favorite interactive media, content, and applications across platform, regardless of the device that people choose to use.
Another of the millions of reasons why DRM only hurts the consumer.
I think the real reason is Apple would lose control and more developers would focus on building apps/games in Flash rather then for the app store.
I think when flash is released on the mobile platforms it will change the game entirely.

Apple will crumble under Adobes power in my honest opinion.

Adobe has made themselves a requirement in todays times.

Unlike the ever-trying Apple sadly.

If Apple got destroyed, the effect would only be to apple users.

If Adobe got destroyed, the effect would be the entire world wide web.

Let it also be known that through progress this could be great but currently I don't want it.
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The lack of flash makes me a bit annoyed while browsing the web with my iPhone, it's almost a deal breaker for the ipad.
Flash is from Adobe, they are indeed a dinosaur roaming around trying to dictate what is good and what is bad, I dont like flash, personally, and I like the fact and hope that flash is kept out of the mix. Far too much garbage will be let in. Then instead of a app store with 150K apps there will be some absurd number. Too much for the average person to navigate now, so it would be insanity and the appstore would die. What would replace it, Adobe....I dont like control but they have way too much power. I vote against adobe, and hope they go do something with MS and stay away from apple.
I think the real reason is Apple would lose control and more developers would focus on building apps/games in Flash rather then for the app store.

Sadly yes, people these days....
If flash was included the product would cost way more...This is no more then a console like ps3,wii,xbox, etc.... Requires you to use there media. If you could use another console game/application, the price would be higher because the company cant bank on a proprietary system apps/games. I will buy one because i like new things, but this is not new technology or something i would recommend to the average buyer. Not to mention no divx support or camera. We are going back to early 2000's. Who has time to encode files!
The reason for it not having flash doesnt change my mind. it needs flash. Please apple thats all i ask of you
I think when flash is released on the mobile platforms it will change the game entirely.

Apple will crumble under Adobes power in my honest opinion.

Adobe has made themselves a requirement in todays times.

Unlike the ever-trying Apple sadly.

Adobe's flash empire is already in some decay, but I suspect it will be the ipad app devs who inflict a mortal wound. They should make the ipad irresistable to the masses (along with the UI and Apple's incredible advertising budget), and then it's game over for flash.
All sounds a bit LOTR :D
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Not having flash at this point doesn't really bother me that much. I think a hands-on with it will tell me more and if I really need it for the daily browsing and work that I do on the web currently.
No Flash = No Sale!

Steve promised "all the internet" at the original iPhone introduction. Steve lied.

Without Flash you can not access "all the internet". There are a great many web sites which use Flash for buttons and other items which are necessary to even navigate the web site. It is NOT a matter of a picture viewer as Apple misrepresents.

Steve has personal issues with Adobe. Apple has plenty of cash to buy the company and get arid of the people who annoy Steve. It would also be the best way to get Photoshop coded in Cocoa so that the pro Photoshop market does not completely abandon the Mac platform.

Speaking of Steve and people, there is no one at Apple, well no one still employed at Apple, to burst his bubble and tell him that Flash is a de facto standard on the web and he needs to simply deal with it and move on. The argument that Flash violates web standards is a fools argument because the web is what it is and that includes Flash.

Yes, I do find the bloated, grotesquely overproduced Flash videos to be absurd, but that is not the issue.

Steve just doesn't get it. There is a web site shown on some of the Apple promotional materials which has been identified as Flash. This means that Apple has fraudulently portrayed the iPad as being capable of doing things they know it can not do.

Oh, did I mention, never buy Rev A devices from Apple?
No Flash = No Sale!

Steve promised "all the internet" at the original iPhone introduction. Steve lied.

Without Flash you can not access "all the internet". There are a great many web sites which use Flash for buttons and other items which are necessary to even navigate the web site. It is NOT a matter of a picture viewer as Apple misrepresents.

Steve has personal issues with Adobe. Apple has plenty of cash to buy the company and get arid of the people who annoy Steve. It would also be the best way to get Photoshop coded in Cocoa so that the pro Photoshop market does not completely abandon the Mac platform.

Speaking of Steve and people, there is no one at Apple, well no one still employed at Apple, to burst his bubble and tell him that Flash is a de facto standard on the web and he needs to simply deal with it and move on. The argument that Flash violates web standards is a fools argument because the web is what it is and that includes Flash.

Yes, I do find the bloated, grotesquely overproduced Flash videos to be absurd, but that is not the issue.

Steve just doesn't get it. There is a web site shown on some of the Apple promotional materials which has been identified as Flash. This means that Apple has fraudulently portrayed the iPad as being capable of doing things they know it can not do.

Oh, did I mention, never buy Rev A devices from Apple?

Nice arguement bro. Yes flash is a huge thing on the internet..like 75% of it. Youtube is still avaiable on it though f you think about it. And i heard on a video(which i saw on Youtube) that the videos you see on the ipad on Youtube will be shown in HDMI. Wierd huh?
Not having flash at this point doesn't really bother me that much. I think a hands-on with it will tell me more and if I really need it for the daily browsing and work that I do on the web currently.

May I suggest that you install Firefox and install the Flashblock add-on. It will show you precisely what is Flash and what is not by blocking the Flash content. (You can click on it to load the Flash content individually.)


Steve lied. Without Flash you can not access "all the web".
Yeah, obviously the lack of Flash has killed such Apple devices like the iPhone..... it's been an overwhelming failure, hasn't it?

The "power of Adobe" is also laughable. Adobe is clinging to legacy software that requires companies to pay them licensing fees. HTML5 is the future and will not require a closed source application or set of plug-ins to get the most of the Internet.

I equate this to Apple releasing the iMacs without a floppy drive..... God forbid, that was just crazy, wasn't it? I mean... we couldn't live without a floppy drive, could we? ;)

You folks do realize that Google is already testing and implementing a Flash free version of Youtube, right? You do know that they got Google Voice on the iPhone with HTML5, right? I urge you all to join the 21st century and leave antiquated, bloated, resource hogging software of the 90's behind.

Yeah, Steve just doesn't get it.... leader of a $50 Billion company and all..... he's just short-sighted, isn't he? I think I'll trust him just a little while longer.
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