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Slippery Booger


iPF Noob
Apr 4, 2010
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Just got mine yesterday and am working out a freezing problem with Apple as I type this on my "other" computer. I'm a farmer and my hands are rough. I can't seem to hold on to it without it slipping from my hands. I'm going to need some type of slip cover to help.
Welcome to the forums. Any of the gel cases out there would probably help with grip. I got the Apple iPad cover and really like it. It is very versatile and the rubbery texture adds plenty of grip.
Just got mine yesterday and am working out a freezing problem with Apple as I type this on my "other" computer. I'm a farmer and my hands are rough. I can't seem to hold on to it without it slipping from my hands. I'm going to need some type of slip cover to help.

Go to Apple store or Best Buys and get the $40 Apple iPad cover. It is well worth the money for protecting the iPad and it is nice to hold.
Be careful. I saw a video (which somebody posted on here) that put the IPad through some stress tests and after 2-3 waist high drops on to a carpeted floor the screen suffered damage. It was not in a case so as the previous member suggested maybe you should invest in one.

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