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Reading WMVfiles on iPad

Unfortunately, you'll have to convert them on the desktop first, or stream them from the desktop using something like AirVideo.
That sucks ! This means that without a PC there is not a lot you can do with the iPAD in a standalone mode....

ROFL your mad that Apple doesnt support a Microsoft format? They have to pay for the rights to play each file type and sorry but don't count on apple ever paying Microsoft to use their file formats.
I am not mad that the iPAD does not support MS formats, ofcourse I understand the issue and also accept that I would need to install and run some conversion software, my point is that I cannot do so on the iPAD itself and have to do the conversion etc on a PC and then send teh conevrted file to the iPAD or store somewhere such as iDISK.
oplayer sounds like it might work. It may not open the file straight from email - you may have to save it first or something, then open it. Not sure, I havent tried it.

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