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Photos sort in "Photos" but not in "Albums"


iPF Noob
Oct 19, 2010
Reaction score
Marysville, North of Seattle
I'm guessing everybody has the same problem, but is there a way to sort the photos stored in the "Albums" tab without a 3rd party app?

I spent a better part of yesterday trying to figure out why my metadata wasn't sorting properly in "Albums" to simply click the Photos Tab and realize my photos are sorting just not via the "Albums" tab.

I'm importing all my photos via iTunes on a windows machine.
I'd personally like to see all my photos sorted when a photo was shot from oldest to newest. Heck I'd even settle from newest to oldest.
Thanks for the replies.

I did use the search and I will admit I was a bit frustrated because it went all over the place with regards to the search, but didn't nail down to exactly what I was trying to find. Its very obvious there isn't a *fix* only because well Apple hasn't done it yet. LOL

I do however thank you for your time and effort posting those links, but I guess just like everybody else we have to wait and hope that there is a release this March that will address the problem. Unless of course Apple doesn't think its a problem, but a feature.

I did find Photo Shack which does what I want, but I just wish I could rotate images from within it, but I guess I can't have everything.
No problem, kizer! Wish you luck. If see anything else I will send your way!

Best wishes!

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