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iPF Noob
Dec 28, 2011
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Hello forumers! I agreed to update like 30 apps. Then I had no idea later that they were still in progress, and left that network. Needless to say the only thing more irritating then updating apps constantly is seeing them disabled on my iPad2. They won't reinitiate the download, and I've signed in, paused restarted and the downloads just hang and the apps are dead. What should I try? And if I delete them how do I get them back?
The same thing happened to me. They will eventually come off on their own. I don't if you are going to get the apps back.

Sent from my only iPad using iPF
Hello forumers! I agreed to update like 30 apps. Then I had no idea later that they were still in progress, and left that network. Needless to say the only thing more irritating then updating apps constantly is seeing them disabled on my iPad2. They won't reinitiate the download, and I've signed in, paused restarted and the downloads just hang and the apps are dead. What should I try? And if I delete them how do I get them back?

Hi yellowhorse, if you delete an app you can always reinstall it from the AppStore under purchases.
It's better to update regularly, rather than wait till you have dozens of updates, because updates are more likely to hang when there are a bunch. That said, my husband never updates his iPad, which he doesn't use much, so I update for him every once in a while, and he's usually got dozens to update by the time I remember.

When there are dozens and they hang, I just look for progress in a few updates and if I see none, then I repeatedly return to the App Store app and tap on Update All. Usually, a few apps finish updating each time I do that, and eventually all are updated. It's a pain, though, because you have to keep checking them. On my iPads, I update every few days or so, it seems, and my few updates rarely hang.

Of course, your wifi connection is one variable. If you've got a slow connection and a bunch of apps to update, my hunch is that you're more likely to get hung up. So again it's better to update more frequently.

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