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Overheating 'new' ipad?


iPF Noob
Feb 12, 2012
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Patently some people's iPad 3rd generations have been overheating within 30 minuets of it being on and sometimes goes into cool down mode and freezes, it is supposed to be too hot to touch and is at the back of the device on the left.so has this happened to you yet or is it anything to worry about?

Sent from my iPad 32gb (3rd generation) using iPF
Mine is fine. Some people like to run the screen at 100% brightness, though. I think this may contribute to the problem for some people.
Ok, I have it at about 70% brightness and noticed that it was warm when I was omit for like 9 hours straight :p

Sent from my iPad 32gb (3rd generation) using iPF
jimmy23 said:
Ok, I have it at about 70% brightness and noticed that it was warm when I was omit for like 9 hours straight :p

Sent from my iPad 32gb (3rd generation) using iPF

The reason that it heats up is due to the battery being so large and close to the aluminum, Same thin happens to the laptops, etc
Comming from a first gen to the third at about 70% brightness I can feel a noticeable between the first and third gen ipads
Check out some of the other threads people have posted. This is not uncommon, remember the battery is 70% larger than the iPad 2 so it is bound to get warm but not over heat.
And it's also a dual core processor with quad core graphics... Chips and batteries generate heat people... :) All iDevices have a thermal cutout. Unless your iPad is turning off and shows you a message / graphic showing you that the thermal cutoff has triggered, you have nothing to worry about! :D
All iPads in the Apple stores are set on 100% brightness
Old non news, subject just about beaten to death

A major reviewing magazine tested them out at 94 degrees F in normal use, less than body temp but a touch warmer than the iPad and iPad2. The same magazine tested them plugged in and running a very graphics intensive game at 100% screen brightness. They warmed to 116 F - clearly warmer but still hand holdable. My MB Pro operates at 130 degrees normally as in as I type this.

This is a ho hum non issue.
I run the screen brightness at 70% and I can very slightly notice some wamrth after about an hour. But it is negligible...
This is really a non issue so relax and enjoy your new iPad. The new iPad is a fantastic upgrade and well worth buying or upgrading. The problem is simple if one reads about an issue go back and search the net again and you will find updated information....
Check them out at a Apple store. All the display iPads are set at 100% brightness and none are hot

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