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Overheating problem?????


iPF Noob
Mar 27, 2010
Reaction score
When fedex delivered my iPad yesterday he told me that he had heard on the radio that morning that there was a problem with ipads overheating in the Apple case and catching fire. I haven't seen or heard anything about this and was wondering if anyone else has. I told him I have mine in the Apple case all the time and it doesn't even get warm, never mind hot. But I did tell him that leaving it in the sun will cause it to shut off till it cools down.


Hehe, no. They will give you a 'cool down' message if you use them in the sun though.
When fedex delivered my iPad yesterday he told me that he had heard on the radio that morning that there was a problem with ipads overheating in the Apple case and catching fire. I haven't seen or heard anything about this and was wondering if anyone else has. I told him I have mine in the Apple case all the time and it doesn't even get warm, never mind hot. But I did tell him that leaving it in the sun will cause it to shut off till it cools down.


Mine's been in the apple case since the case arrived. It sleeps when I sleep, otherwise it's in constant use. No sign of overheating, or even 'heating' for that matter.

Not too surprised to see some myths starting to circulate...
Somebody must have been running a "Fireplace HD" app and an onlooker thought the iPad had burst into flame.
And that is how it starts.... it is always amazing to me how quickly rumors spread, and how they grow.... Every time I get one of those goofy emails from someone, you know the silly story things... I got to Snopes.com to get the facts.... Most of the time the email is just worthless BS....

I bet soon Snopes will have to make a section for the iPad......

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