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OpenSSH problem


iPF Noob
Hi all, I have a problem with openSSH that has got me stumped.

I'm running a 5.0.1 jail broken ipad2. The only apps I've installed following jailbreak are (first) SBSettings and (next) OpenSSH. When I first installed OpenSSH I was able to connect and change the passwords for the root and mobile users over the wireless network, but once I reboot the iPad, It will not accept connections from either WinSCP or puTTY. I've tried enabling/disabling the toggle in SBSettings but to no avail. The only way I can get it to respond again is by reinstalling OpenSSH from Cydia, but you know that on the next reboot I'm going to get the old 'the server has terminated the session unexpectedly' message as soon as I try to log in.

Does anyone have any similar experiences? I can't imagine I'm the only person suffering this. Surely I shouldn't have to connect the USB to ssh to the iPad every time?
Update: I it turns out that i had somehow contracted a variant on the ikee virus, which was disabling my sshd server on device startup. I proved this beyond doubt by using WinSCP to get a copy of poc-bot from the device and looking at it in Notepad++. I can't really understand where I could have got it, my best guess is that someone at work has an infected iPhone that was also on the wireless network.... On reflection I didn't bother to update the ssh password for a couple of days so I must've fallen foul of it then.

Once I realised this was my problem, I decided to reset/erase content and settings - but that didn't work because my iPad is jail broken. I decided to go down the manual route instead. A word of warning to other iPad users though; apt-get wasn't recognised on my device when I tried to reinstall cydia. Instead I deleted /user/libexec/startup and /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.saurik.Cydia.Startup.plist and then used the Cydia front end to reinstall itself and regenerate the files I had deleted.

My ssh server is now working as it should and I'm hoping the device is ikee-free!
Glad to hear that things have worked out for you.

Of course, you changed the root and mobile passwords right away this time, right? :)

Oh yes! I'll try to find out who has a jailbroken iPhone at work too. Someone there is probably carrying ikee and doesn't know it.

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