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iPF Noob
Aug 17, 2011
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Since there is not a Microsoft office apps yet, what can I use?

Also any word on when those Microsoft apps will be available?

One of our members carried out a survey of Office apps for his company; you can see his conclusions in this thread...


Another comparison was undertaken here....


The Apple iWorks Office suite for the iPad has a set of useful Help pages that show their capabilities here...

Pages is Word compatible and can read .doc and .docx files and save in .doc and .pdf

Keynote is PowerPoint compatible and can read .ppt and .pptx files and save in .ppt and .pdf

Numbers is Excel compatible and can read .xls and .xlsx files and save in .xls and .pdf

Apple - Support - iOS Apps - Welcome

The comparative evaluations cited by Tim should be required reading for anyone who must deal with Microsoft Office apps. The bottom line is that any of the options will work for relatively simple documents of limited length. They all falter to one extent or another when faced with significant complexity and (in my experience) great length.

Word documents appear to be the least problematic. Spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentation documents are considerably more error prone or lacking in features.

For 90% of users, 90% of the time, any of the Office look-alikes will suffice. But be careful if you're trying to use the iPad as a full equivalent of Office apps that require complex formatting or complicated (and rarely used) features.

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