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numbers continually updating 1 spreadsheet


iPF Noob
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, Arizona
I have created a spreadsheet, one on many, but this one spreadsheet (when reviewing in the initial numbers screen) the screen that shows all the spreadsheets. On that screen this one spreadsheet shows a black progress bar across the bottom of the spreadsheet, with a blue dot on the left side of the black bar. In the upper right corner of the screen (next to the edit button) indicates the progress clock spinning and a statement "Updating 1 Spreadsheet..."
I can leave this on for hours and nothing changes, what can be done, or what creates this condition. Not sure where to go from this point.
Have you altered the document on another device which syncs with your ipad? Try closing the app down then reopening it. Failing that, power off your iPad and then if that doesn't sort it, try a reset. If you aren't sure how to do these actions, search IPF or ask again here.
I had this happen once with a document I had altered on my iPhone and tried to then open on my iPad. It should have all worked perfectly, and has ever since, but that one document misbehaved and hung like yours is doing, and I ended up deleting it in the end as it seemed to make the whole app behave badly.
I too had the same problem and tried all the remedies that Jockscrap recommended. In the end, I made a copy of the offending document and deleted the original. This worked fine.

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