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Help with numbers!!!


iPF Noob
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Greenville SC
I am putting together a spreadsheet using numbers on my very first ipad (2) EVER! I have been using Microsoft FOREVER (first time with a MAC of any kind). This one equation is KILLING ME. Here is what I am trying to do.

I am a personal trainer and I track peoples weight. So, I have a column of cells that reflects the changes in their weight going from top to bottom. At the very bottom I have a cell that I want to show the "last number in the series of those weigh ins" i.e. each time I add a weight in an empty cell (of the progression) I want it to show up in that bottom cell. If you need a photo image I will be happy to send one. That's all. Very simple. The excel formula is using LOOKUP and a series of symbols and row/cell locations and works perfect. I feel like LOOKUP is what I want but what in the world do I use when all I have to work with is tabs that say "Search for" "search where" and "result-values". PLEASE help! I know there is a formula to do this. Thanks

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Ok, I still don't understand most of how this works, but the OS X version of Numbers has a weight tracking template that does what you want. I exported it to the iPad, and the formula still worked. If you look over the formula they use maybe you can tweak it to work on your spreadsheet.

Here's a link to download the file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17742163/weight.numbers
But, to do what you asked, double tap on the cell into which you want to put the formula. A window will open, tap the "=" on the bar above the keys, then tap the "functions" button, then "reference" and you will see Lookup as a function you can use.

Teach a man to fish, etc, etc, etc.
I'm pretty sure the OP knows the function is there. They just couldn't decipher the use instructions. Neither could I. I spent quite a bit of time trying to use the LOOKUP function, but could not make it work as suggested. The formula that works in the Pages example uses different functions in combination with an IF statement. I think I understand it, but haven't looked up all the functions used to make sure.
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I'm pretty sure the OP knows the function is there. They just couldn't decipher the use instructions. Neither could I. I spent quite a bit of time trying to use the LOOKUP function, but could not make it work as suggested. The formula that works in the Pages example uses different functions in combination with an IF statement. I think I understand it, but haven't looked up all the functions used to make sure.
Perhaps he did know the function is there, but he said, 'all I have to work with is tabs that say "Search for" "search where" and "result-values".' To me that statement shows that he didn't realize a double-tap on the target cell opens up a greater set of choices. If you tap the cell once, that's what you get, you have to tap twice to get to the functions. But in either case, he now has options. It's all good!
I thought the same as you, until I looked up the LOOKUP function and realized what he was calling tabs were actualy the names of the parameters for the function, something I probably would not have noticed if I had not got curious and tried to set up a table to use it.

As you say, no harm, no foul.
I thought the same as you, until I looked up the LOOKUP function and realized what he was calling tabs were actualy the names of the parameters for the function, something I probably would not have noticed if I had not got curious and tried to set up a table to use it.

As you say, no harm, no foul.
Yep, you are right! I got it backwards. My apologies for questioning your inerrant intuition!
Large Spreadsheet test request

I am looking for someone to test a large (about 12mb) Excel spreadsheet on the Ipad 2 that was too large for the original Ipad. I was considering Docs to Go but really do not care which app.
I am putting together a spreadsheet using numbers on my very first ipad (2) EVER! I have been using Microsoft FOREVER (first time with a MAC of any kind). This one equation is KILLING ME. Here is what I am trying to do.

I am a personal trainer and I track peoples weight. So, I have a column of cells that reflects the changes in their weight going from top to bottom. At the very bottom I have a cell that I want to show the "last number in the series of those weigh ins" i.e. each time I add a weight in an empty cell (of the progression) I want it to show up in that bottom cell. If you need a photo image I will be happy to send one. That's all. Very simple. The excel formula is using LOOKUP and a series of symbols and row/cell locations and works perfect. I feel like LOOKUP is what I want but what in the world do I use when all I have to work with is tabs that say "Search for" "search where" and "result-values". PLEASE help! I know there is a formula to do this. Thanks


I have exactly the same need (pretty much the same reason, making a diet tracking spreadsheet). After hours of research here is what worked for me. (B2:B64 is the range in the column.)

=INDEX (B2:B64, COUNTA(B2:B64))

Index & CountA are both functions. when usuing the iPad it is a bit difficult to figure out because you can not just type in the formula, apple holds your hand. When you put in the Index funtion you get all the "bubbles" to replace. touch on the ones you need to replace and in this instance you have to delete a few optional ones that are not needed.
(range) is the cell range you are looking at, delete (row-index) and (column-index) and the commas in between them. touch (area-index) and replace with COUNTA(B2:B64) {you have to use your finger to select the range, you can not just type it in}

Thats it. Worked like a charm. This cell then gives you the last entry in the range.

Hope this helps someone - it sure took me long enough to figure it out.


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