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Unable to open Numbers spreadsheet on iPad


iPF Noob

I have a spreadsheet that I created on my Mac. I've dragged the file to the iCloud website and it uploads (apparently) okay. When I open Numbers on my iPad it shows the spreadsheet but with a generic preview. i.e. the standard Numbers icon. When I click it the progress wheel churns for a while then I get an error message saying "Spreadsheet couldn't be imported. An unknown error occured." Does anyone have any ideas what to try? I've been able to upload and access other spreadsheets since this one.

I would delete and reload. Files can get sometimes corrupted.

Sent from my iPad2 3G 32 gig (not JB'ed) / using iPF
Same problem "an error occurred" is all I get

Yeah, I've tried that several times with no luck.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I guess I'm just commiserating with you. I have the same problem with Dropbox and I also emailed a copy of the file from my Mac to me on the iPad. Same thing!
I'll keep working at it. A better message than "an error occurred" would have been nice.
Has anyone found a solution yet? I'm having exactly the same problem. Trying to delete elements from the numbers document on my macbook, adding it to the cloud and reopening it on my ipad gives me the strong impression that 'Numbers for ipad' has some major bug(s) in it. After I had a version which does open on the ipad, adding on the macbook a simple formula in a cell (e.g. "= A4") and resending it to the ipad (via the cloud) again gives the error message. It drives me crazy. Can't find anything useful on the web.
When I first posted this problem I tried all sorts of things and nothing worked. Since then, several weeks ago, an update to Numbers app (for iPad) was released and the problem went away :) . I've got some pretty big spreadsheets that I developed on my Mac and then downloaded to my iPad via Dropbox. They are even larger than the ones that originally caused me grief.

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