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New member - Sydney Australia


iPF Noob
Jun 14, 2010
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Hi my name is Antony from Sydney Australia. Got an iPad on the day they were released in Australia via a courier to my workplace after ordering online.

I have not put it down since and a week later my wife wanted one so now she has her own.

I have hardly touched my laptop since the iPad arrived

I have a 64 gig wifi/3G and I am powering through three gigs of telstra megabytes, am am nearly two gigs in.

I wanted to join here to be helped and to offer help and to share what I have found with what others have found.

My backup has become so slow I downloaded and app that lets me turn it off and back on when i want. What's up with that?

Welcome to the site :)

I haven't used my laptop much since I have had my iPad.

Thanks, there is not much more than hype and advertising around at the moment regarding the iPad, I was hoping to see some cool things here that people have been doing with theirs.

Thanks for the welcome
Brisbane rocks

I just came back from a few weeks at Moreton Island. I spend some time in Brisbane each year as my wife and her family are from there.

Nice to meet you, mate

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