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Manage photos without itunes


iPF Noob
The capabilities of the new iPad 3 using 0S 5.1 to manage photos remain a mystery. I hope by explaining the workflow I am considering, I may be able to resolve this dilemma. I would like to use the ipad3 to make a backup of my daily photos while traveling. Note: That means no computer and no itunes and no cloud. Here is my plan. I would appreciate if anyone is knowledgeable to let me know if I can or cannot do the following:
1. Establish a new folder directly onto the iPad (I know I can do this)
2. Download my pictures for the day from my camera card into this new folder using the SD connector of the Apple Camera Connection Kit.
3. Support RAW (rw2 for the Lumix fz28) and JPEG images
4. View the new pictures
5. The next day, either: (a) download only the NEW pictures to the album by using a capability of the photo program to do this (I don’t want to have to select over 100 photos one by one manually) or (b) establish a new album, download the entire SD card with the previous days and the current days pictures into it, and then delete both the first album and all the pictures in it, without having to search for them and select one at a time to delete. I want to delete the previous days album to minimize memory usage.
6. Copy the photos to my computer, preferably with Photoshop Elements, when I get home.
7. If this cannot be done with the software that comes with the iPad, is there an app available that could better be used for my photo backup needs.
8. The ability to minimally Edit and Move some pictures within the iPad while away would be nice to have, but not crucial.
I would like to purchase an IPAD 3 with 64 gig in April, but I probably will not do so if I cannot get these capabilities. Thank you in advance for your input.
Why can't you use iCloud and photostream once you get home to transfer the files to your computer's hard drive photostream folder, then move them to another folder for long term storage?
The main issue is that I will not have access to internet while traveling, and I want to back up my photos to the ipad without storing the same photos 15 times and eating up all the memory in the ipad while away.
item 5 is the key. Unless I don't understand the use of the photostream feature. I will be on the road. No access to a computer or the internet till i get home. My main goal is to simply back up my sd card each day onto the ipad without having to do a lot of manual picture by picture deletes so I don't waste memory by having duplicates of each past days pictures. My seconary goal is to view the pictures on the ipad while away. At the end of the trip, I should have a single album of photographs that exactly match those on the sd card, without duplicates. When I get home, i will transfer the sd card photos to my computer and, if all is well, trash the album on the ipad.

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