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Jailbreaking Help!!!!

Cool Breeze

iPF Noob
I m new to this forum and what I think jailbreaking is that it unlocks paid apps for free and a few other features... Just wondering how to do this and will it affect my iPad 2 in ANY way I mean the speed, the functioning, syncing and stuff???

Don't know if this is a worthy thred I know it's pretty basic but can u guys give sme advices and If I should jail break or not!!! Will that cause any harm!!!!
NOTE I have never jail broken any device before is it right for me???
I m new to this forum and what I think jailbreaking is that it unlocks paid apps for free and a few other features

I'm sorry to burst your balloon, but paid apps are as you say, applications which you pay for!!


Anyone using a jailbreak for getting paid apps for free is a pirate, nay, a thief!! And as such will get no help on this site!! The worst case would be a full ban! Please take this as the friendly warning it was meant to be!


As a footnote, what a jailbreak is.......to unlock your Iproduct to enable theme altering and to make your iPad do things it was always meant to do!! This does not and never will include stealing applications and games.

For further information, read our hacking section from cover to cover, you will see how great your iPad can become.

Welcome to the forum, feel free to browse and digest all the information within.
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