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Itunes - accessing purchases without syncing?


iPF Noob
We purchased a couple of symphonies from itunes and downloaded to my husband's IMac. We thought we had synced to the ipad but now we find that the sync did not work and we cannot access the IMac at the moment to re-sync because we are away from home.

Is there any way that we can download them again to our ipad? Are purchased items stored on an itunes library that can be accessed from our ipad?

We checked the ipad but under purchases all we can see are items purchased directly to the ipad.
Surely we don't have to re-purchase the albums?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
But what if your computer crashes - as mine once did? Surely you should be able to re-download items purchased on itunes without paying for them again? This doesn't make sense.
With audible.com any books you purchase stay on your online library and can be accessed from any device. It strikes me that this ought to be possible with itunes too.
Unfortunately, at present, you can only download music one time. Apple is currently, supposedly, looking into allowing multiple downloads. I have lost music that I had to pay for again, and quickly learned to backup my iTunes folder quite often!

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