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Issues with Ipad 1


iPF Noob
Oct 22, 2011
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I am the original owner of an Ipad 1, with WiFi. 16 gb. running 5.1.1. Recently having issues with some Apps-Pages won't open and seems "stuck" partially updates but won't finish, (error message says unable to download pages at this time)Overdrive won't download books from the library, wireless printing with thumbprint isn't working. I have 6.2 GB left in terms of capacity. I did reboot using the sleep key on top and logged out and back in to Itunes. No luck. Any ideas? Thanks.
As your thread is about the iPad 1, I have moved it to the iPad 1 forum, where it will receive better attention.
I am the original owner of an Ipad 1, with WiFi. 16 gb. running 5.1.1. Recently having issues with some Apps-Pages won't open and seems "stuck" partially updates but won't finish, (error message says unable to download pages at this time)Overdrive won't download books from the library, wireless printing with thumbprint isn't working. I have 6.2 GB left in terms of capacity. I did reboot using the sleep key on top and logged out and back in to Itunes. No luck. Any ideas? Thanks.
I checked and the apps you mentioned should be ale to support iOS 5.1.1. I'll see if I find anything online.

From the iPad of Goofy8275, iPadForums.net user

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