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iPhoto App!


iPF Noob
Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
Lahaina, Maui, HI
Thursday, March 8th--I just upgraded to the new IOS 5.1 operating system on my new iPad2 and now I am unable to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you solve the problem? It started when I tried to download the new iPhoto App and a message came on saying I needed to upgrade to the new 5.1 OS. I did this and it took about 25 minutes to download it and install it. Then when I went back to install the iPhoto App, it jammed halfway finished and said I needed an internet connection to finish the download. I am writing this on my wireless laptop using the same source for Wi-Fi as the iPad has been using just fine. Thanks for any help. Cobraguy
That happened to me once yesterday as well right after installing 5.1. I just went into settings and reconnected and it's been fine since. I think I did a hard reboot as well ( I'm a windows guy so it's the first thing I always do when there's a problem :) )
Hi Cobra...

Have you tried to do the following?

Do the first 2 steps first. Save step 3 as a last resort.
1. Force the app to close?
2. Try to restart your iPad?
3. Try to do a soft reset?

You can try this in order, if an app becomes funky. [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]
[/FONT]Force the app to quit by pushing the home button twice to bring up your multi-task bar. This will show all the apps that you have visited. By long pressing the app in question, it will begin to jiggle-press the red circle with the negative sign on the app. It will only quit the app and not delete. Than try to re-open the app and test out.

If that doesn't work, restart the iPad by pressing the power switch down to power off.

Third is to do a soft reset by holding the power switch and home button together until you see the apple logo. Hope that helps!

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